Monday, January 31, 2005
A gander at the headlines
Hmmm. Let's see what's going on:
Hillary Clinton faints during speech
or...wait a second...
Sen. Clinton Faints, Later Gives Speech
Which is it? Did she faint during the speech, or did she faint and then give them speech?
"It wasn't as dramatic as it sounds," Clinton said after the 30-minute speech."
Well, CNN is sure trying to turn it into a Shakespearan tragedy:
Upon her return, at about 12:15 p.m., the senator fainted as her staff placed the microphone in front of her, Lenihan said.
Her Secret Service agents quickly surrounded the former first lady, and four people broke her fall, he said.
Oh stop it. I would go "all in" and bet that this is an attention-grabber orchestrated by Hillary. The headlines are all about the Iraqi vote and how good Bush looks today. This is her way of getting some attention off of that. Her fainting reminds me of a wedding a few years ago where I was the DJ. The bride's sister, all of a sudden during dinner, starting choking. It took me about, oh, a 1/2 second to realize she was faking it. If you are choking like she supposedly was, you can't scream, "I'm choking! I'm choking!" That, and a few other clues gave her away. Everyone in the room, you could tell from the vibe afterwards, knew she was full of crap. She was jealous of the attention her sister was getting on her wedding day, that is why she acted out. The same concept applies here with Hillary.
Judge Backs Guantanamo Detainee Challenges
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration must let foreign terror suspects challenge their confinement in U.S. courts, a judge said Monday in a ruling that found unconstitutional the hearing system set up by the Pentagon.
Just look at that. Bush violated the constitutional rights of scumbag terrorists who were fighting out troops in Afghanistan. Astonishing. FDR must be turning over in his grave. Let's take a look at Judge Joyce Hens Green. A Jimmy Carter appointee. I'm shocked!! Shocked I tell you. (Take a look at her picture too. What a beast.)
First Amendment No Big Deal, Students Say
There you have it. Our liberal education system in action.
Sudan Says U.N. Clears Gov't of Genocide
ABUJA, Nigeria - Sudan said Monday that U.N. investigators concluded that genocide was not committed in the country's western Darfur region during a nearly two-year crisis, and the government and rebels committed to reopening peace talks within weeks.
At U.N. headquarters in New York, diplomats confirmed that the report did not find that Sudan committed genocide, but they said it was very critical of Sudanese government actions. The report was expected to be circulated in New York on Tuesday.
Of course the U.N. can't find a genocide. They couldn't find a cactus in Arizona. If they found a genocide, they would be bound to act. They can't be bothered with that. After all, there's no money in it, no way to blame Israel, and they wouldn't want to upset any murderous thugs.
I am going to link to an article about how a Clinton State Department bureaucrat named Christine Shelly dodged a reporter during the Rwanda genocide a decade ago. She could not call it a genocide, because we'd have to act, instead, she said:
Elsner: How would you describe the events taking place in Rwanda?
Shelly: Based on the evidence we have seen from observations on the ground, we have every reason to believe that acts of genocide have occurred in Rwanda.
Elsner: What's the difference between "acts of genocide" and "genocide"?
Shelly: Well, I think the—as you know, there's a legal definition of this ... clearly not all of the killings that have taken place in Rwanda are killings to which you might apply that label ... But as to the distinctions between the words, we're trying to call what we have seen so far as best as we can; and based, again, on the evidence, we have every reason to believe that acts of genocide have occurred.
Elsner: How many acts of genocide does it take to make genocide?
Shelly: Alan, that's just not a question that I'm in a position to answer.
You should see the video. The transcript does not do it justice. This woman looked like a total tool. I am outraged that no one has learned a damn thing from Rwanda. Not a damn thing!
And one more, on a lighter note:
Texas Teens Increased Sex After Abstinence Program
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Abstinence-only sex education programs, a major plank in President Bush's education plan, have had no impact on teenagers' behavior in his home state of Texas, according to a new study.
Despite taking courses emphasizing abstinence-only themes, teenagers in 29 high schools became increasingly sexually active, mirroring the overall state trends, according to the study conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University.
"We didn't see any strong indications that these programs were having an impact in the direction desired," said Dr. Buzz Pruitt, who directed the study.
Yep. All Bush's fault.
Hillary Clinton faints during speech
or...wait a second...
Sen. Clinton Faints, Later Gives Speech
Which is it? Did she faint during the speech, or did she faint and then give them speech?
"It wasn't as dramatic as it sounds," Clinton said after the 30-minute speech."
Well, CNN is sure trying to turn it into a Shakespearan tragedy:
Upon her return, at about 12:15 p.m., the senator fainted as her staff placed the microphone in front of her, Lenihan said.
Her Secret Service agents quickly surrounded the former first lady, and four people broke her fall, he said.
Oh stop it. I would go "all in" and bet that this is an attention-grabber orchestrated by Hillary. The headlines are all about the Iraqi vote and how good Bush looks today. This is her way of getting some attention off of that. Her fainting reminds me of a wedding a few years ago where I was the DJ. The bride's sister, all of a sudden during dinner, starting choking. It took me about, oh, a 1/2 second to realize she was faking it. If you are choking like she supposedly was, you can't scream, "I'm choking! I'm choking!" That, and a few other clues gave her away. Everyone in the room, you could tell from the vibe afterwards, knew she was full of crap. She was jealous of the attention her sister was getting on her wedding day, that is why she acted out. The same concept applies here with Hillary.
Judge Backs Guantanamo Detainee Challenges
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration must let foreign terror suspects challenge their confinement in U.S. courts, a judge said Monday in a ruling that found unconstitutional the hearing system set up by the Pentagon.
Just look at that. Bush violated the constitutional rights of scumbag terrorists who were fighting out troops in Afghanistan. Astonishing. FDR must be turning over in his grave. Let's take a look at Judge Joyce Hens Green. A Jimmy Carter appointee. I'm shocked!! Shocked I tell you. (Take a look at her picture too. What a beast.)
First Amendment No Big Deal, Students Say
There you have it. Our liberal education system in action.
Sudan Says U.N. Clears Gov't of Genocide
ABUJA, Nigeria - Sudan said Monday that U.N. investigators concluded that genocide was not committed in the country's western Darfur region during a nearly two-year crisis, and the government and rebels committed to reopening peace talks within weeks.
At U.N. headquarters in New York, diplomats confirmed that the report did not find that Sudan committed genocide, but they said it was very critical of Sudanese government actions. The report was expected to be circulated in New York on Tuesday.
Of course the U.N. can't find a genocide. They couldn't find a cactus in Arizona. If they found a genocide, they would be bound to act. They can't be bothered with that. After all, there's no money in it, no way to blame Israel, and they wouldn't want to upset any murderous thugs.
I am going to link to an article about how a Clinton State Department bureaucrat named Christine Shelly dodged a reporter during the Rwanda genocide a decade ago. She could not call it a genocide, because we'd have to act, instead, she said:
Elsner: How would you describe the events taking place in Rwanda?
Shelly: Based on the evidence we have seen from observations on the ground, we have every reason to believe that acts of genocide have occurred in Rwanda.
Elsner: What's the difference between "acts of genocide" and "genocide"?
Shelly: Well, I think the—as you know, there's a legal definition of this ... clearly not all of the killings that have taken place in Rwanda are killings to which you might apply that label ... But as to the distinctions between the words, we're trying to call what we have seen so far as best as we can; and based, again, on the evidence, we have every reason to believe that acts of genocide have occurred.
Elsner: How many acts of genocide does it take to make genocide?
Shelly: Alan, that's just not a question that I'm in a position to answer.
You should see the video. The transcript does not do it justice. This woman looked like a total tool. I am outraged that no one has learned a damn thing from Rwanda. Not a damn thing!
And one more, on a lighter note:
Texas Teens Increased Sex After Abstinence Program
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Abstinence-only sex education programs, a major plank in President Bush's education plan, have had no impact on teenagers' behavior in his home state of Texas, according to a new study.
Despite taking courses emphasizing abstinence-only themes, teenagers in 29 high schools became increasingly sexually active, mirroring the overall state trends, according to the study conducted by researchers at Texas A&M University.
"We didn't see any strong indications that these programs were having an impact in the direction desired," said Dr. Buzz Pruitt, who directed the study.
Yep. All Bush's fault.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
And we are supposed to care what they think?
I laughed everytime I heard, during the run-up to the Iraq War, that we should be more respectful of the German opinion. I laughed because I thought it was funny that the country that invented the concept of chemical warfare and the country that streamlined genocide in ways similar to how Henry Ford streamlined automaking was now all of a sudden "a moral authority" who should be listened to. Then today, I read this story from that "socialist paradise."
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
A 25-year-old waitress who turned down a job providing "sexual services'' at a brothel in Berlin faces possible cuts to her unemployment benefit under laws introduced this year.
Prostitution was legalised in Germany just over two years ago and brothel owners – who must pay tax and employee health insurance – were granted access to official databases of jobseekers.
The waitress, an unemployed information technology professional, had said that she was willing to work in a bar at night and had worked in a cafe.
She received a letter from the job centre telling her that an employer was interested in her "profile'' and that she should ring them. Only on doing so did the woman, who has not been identified for legal reasons, realise that she was calling a brothel.
Under Germany's welfare reforms, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry – or lose her unemployment benefit. Last month German unemployment rose for the 11th consecutive month to 4.5 million, taking the number out of work to its highest since reunification in 1990.
This is the logical end result of unfettered leftism and the unwillingness to set any sort of public morality standards. Anytime a liberal tells you how wondeful Germany is, tell them about this story.
'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
A 25-year-old waitress who turned down a job providing "sexual services'' at a brothel in Berlin faces possible cuts to her unemployment benefit under laws introduced this year.
Prostitution was legalised in Germany just over two years ago and brothel owners – who must pay tax and employee health insurance – were granted access to official databases of jobseekers.
The waitress, an unemployed information technology professional, had said that she was willing to work in a bar at night and had worked in a cafe.
She received a letter from the job centre telling her that an employer was interested in her "profile'' and that she should ring them. Only on doing so did the woman, who has not been identified for legal reasons, realise that she was calling a brothel.
Under Germany's welfare reforms, any woman under 55 who has been out of work for more than a year can be forced to take an available job – including in the sex industry – or lose her unemployment benefit. Last month German unemployment rose for the 11th consecutive month to 4.5 million, taking the number out of work to its highest since reunification in 1990.
This is the logical end result of unfettered leftism and the unwillingness to set any sort of public morality standards. Anytime a liberal tells you how wondeful Germany is, tell them about this story.
Iraq Elections are now over
I don't want to minimize the 44 people who died today, as well as the fine British soldiers we lost today, but I am quite happy with how it went. (From what I understand though, 9 of the 44 listed dead were suicide bombers) Even the AP can't hide the positive attitude of the Iraqi people.
Iraq Voters Defy Threats, Boycott Calls
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqis embraced democracy in large numbers Sunday, standing in long lines to vote in defiance of mortar attacks, suicide bombers and boycott calls. Pushed in wheelchairs or carts if they couldn't walk, the elderly, the young and women in veils cast ballots in Iraq's first free election in a half-century.
"We broke a barrier of fear," said Mijm Towirish, an election official.
Uncertain Sunni turnout, a string of insurgent attacks that killed 44 and the crash of a British military plane drove home that chaos in Iraq isn't over yet.
Yet the mere fact the vote went off seemed to ricochet instantly around a world hoping for Arab democracy and fearing Islamic extremism.
"I am doing this because I love my country, and I love the sons of my nation," said Shamal Hekeib, 53, who walked with his wife 20 minutes to a polling station near his Baghdad home.
"We are Arabs, we are not scared and we are not cowards," Hekeib said.
With helicopters flying low and gunfire close by, at least 200 voters stood calmly in line at midday outside one polling station in the heart of Baghdad. Inside, the tight security included at least four body searches, and a ban on lighters, cell phone batteries, cigarette packs and even pens.
The feeling was sometimes festive. One election volunteer escorted a blind man back to his home after he cast his vote. A woman too frail to walk by herself arrived on a cart pushed by a young relative. Entire families showed up in their finest clothes.
Over the next 10 days or so, we will be bombarded with all kinds of stories about election fraud, unfairness, complaints about the ballots, you name it. If you hear any of your liberal friends complain, just say to them, "Hey, sounds like an American-style democracy to me! Iraq must already have a fully functional Democratic Party." Plus, we'll get all kinds of stories like this:
Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq
I'm sure we'll hear some outrage over this from the same people who couldn't be bothered with the Oil-for-Food scam.
(If you see any ridiculous stories, please e-mail them to me.)
This should be a fun week.
F Ted Kennedy.
Iraq Voters Defy Threats, Boycott Calls
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraqis embraced democracy in large numbers Sunday, standing in long lines to vote in defiance of mortar attacks, suicide bombers and boycott calls. Pushed in wheelchairs or carts if they couldn't walk, the elderly, the young and women in veils cast ballots in Iraq's first free election in a half-century.
"We broke a barrier of fear," said Mijm Towirish, an election official.
Uncertain Sunni turnout, a string of insurgent attacks that killed 44 and the crash of a British military plane drove home that chaos in Iraq isn't over yet.
Yet the mere fact the vote went off seemed to ricochet instantly around a world hoping for Arab democracy and fearing Islamic extremism.
"I am doing this because I love my country, and I love the sons of my nation," said Shamal Hekeib, 53, who walked with his wife 20 minutes to a polling station near his Baghdad home.
"We are Arabs, we are not scared and we are not cowards," Hekeib said.
With helicopters flying low and gunfire close by, at least 200 voters stood calmly in line at midday outside one polling station in the heart of Baghdad. Inside, the tight security included at least four body searches, and a ban on lighters, cell phone batteries, cigarette packs and even pens.
The feeling was sometimes festive. One election volunteer escorted a blind man back to his home after he cast his vote. A woman too frail to walk by herself arrived on a cart pushed by a young relative. Entire families showed up in their finest clothes.
Over the next 10 days or so, we will be bombarded with all kinds of stories about election fraud, unfairness, complaints about the ballots, you name it. If you hear any of your liberal friends complain, just say to them, "Hey, sounds like an American-style democracy to me! Iraq must already have a fully functional Democratic Party." Plus, we'll get all kinds of stories like this:
Audit: $9 Billion Unaccounted for in Iraq
I'm sure we'll hear some outrage over this from the same people who couldn't be bothered with the Oil-for-Food scam.
(If you see any ridiculous stories, please e-mail them to me.)
This should be a fun week.
F Ted Kennedy.
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Iraqi elections begin
At this very hour, the polls are opening in Iraq. I will be praying for the success of the elections, with as little violence as possible. And, I will be sure to ignore the naysayers in the media and on the left who hate Bush so much, they want the Iraqi elections to fail. I am confident they will work out just fine, and maybe even better than we will hear about. Here's the two examples why. First, read this story about some photos taken in Iraq. You will understand at the ridiculousness of the media, and the depths to which they will go to hurt the cause in Iraq. You won't know whether to laugh or be outaged.
Second, read this story:
Man drives to Calgary to vote in Iraqi election
CALGARY - An Iraqi-Canadian man from Winnipeg drove 14 hours to Calgary this week to cast a ballot in his homeland's general election.
The polling station in Calgary is one of only three in Canada – the other two are in Ontario.
Hasan al-Hakim says it's important to have a voice in what happens in Iraq. He says he's spent hours trying to convince family who still live in the country – who have faced threats to keep them from voting – how important it is they are heard.
"It's fighting for life. That is the future," al-Hakim says.
If this doesn't inspire you, then nothing will. The Iraqi people want their freedom, and those who went elsewhere to have freedom want it for their homeland. Regardless of what you think of the war or Bush, I hope you will support the Iraqi people on this historic day. They deserve freedom every bit as much as we do.
And Lee has this great story too.
Second, read this story:
Man drives to Calgary to vote in Iraqi election
CALGARY - An Iraqi-Canadian man from Winnipeg drove 14 hours to Calgary this week to cast a ballot in his homeland's general election.
The polling station in Calgary is one of only three in Canada – the other two are in Ontario.
Hasan al-Hakim says it's important to have a voice in what happens in Iraq. He says he's spent hours trying to convince family who still live in the country – who have faced threats to keep them from voting – how important it is they are heard.
"It's fighting for life. That is the future," al-Hakim says.
If this doesn't inspire you, then nothing will. The Iraqi people want their freedom, and those who went elsewhere to have freedom want it for their homeland. Regardless of what you think of the war or Bush, I hope you will support the Iraqi people on this historic day. They deserve freedom every bit as much as we do.
And Lee has this great story too.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
AOL in a dream world
One of the front-page headlines on says this:
"Is Bush fueling left-wing radio's recent growth?"
Here's the screen capture:
Funny how the liberal propaganda and the facts never seem to match up. Take a look at what I read just last week in the Philly Inquirer:
Air America apparently is not flying too well in Philly. The liberal talk network's home since Aug. 30 is WHAT-AM (1340), which airs shows by Al Franken (noon to 3 p.m.) and Randi Rhodes (3 to 7 p.m.). Arbitron ratings for fall were released last week. Though specific numbers are not available for Franken's time slot, a check of Rhodes' finds that WHAT's ratings have dropped.
Among total listeners ages 12 and older, the station managed a 0.5 rating in fall 2003; it got a 0.3 this time. The "cume," the cumulative number of weekly listeners, fell from 22,000 to 17,800. By comparison, Sean Hannity and Dom Giordano on talk rival WPHT-AM (1210) had a 4.4 rating and cume of 217,800 weekly listeners; the top afternoon-drive station was WBEB-FM (101.1), with a 7.6 rating and a cume of 441,100.
At its flagship station in New York, Air America finished 24th in the fall.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And, I am quite sure that Jerry Springer will kick ass on radio. After all, everyone watches his TV show just to hear his brillant commentary at the end anyway.
"Is Bush fueling left-wing radio's recent growth?"
Here's the screen capture:

Funny how the liberal propaganda and the facts never seem to match up. Take a look at what I read just last week in the Philly Inquirer:
Air America apparently is not flying too well in Philly. The liberal talk network's home since Aug. 30 is WHAT-AM (1340), which airs shows by Al Franken (noon to 3 p.m.) and Randi Rhodes (3 to 7 p.m.). Arbitron ratings for fall were released last week. Though specific numbers are not available for Franken's time slot, a check of Rhodes' finds that WHAT's ratings have dropped.
Among total listeners ages 12 and older, the station managed a 0.5 rating in fall 2003; it got a 0.3 this time. The "cume," the cumulative number of weekly listeners, fell from 22,000 to 17,800. By comparison, Sean Hannity and Dom Giordano on talk rival WPHT-AM (1210) had a 4.4 rating and cume of 217,800 weekly listeners; the top afternoon-drive station was WBEB-FM (101.1), with a 7.6 rating and a cume of 441,100.
At its flagship station in New York, Air America finished 24th in the fall.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! And, I am quite sure that Jerry Springer will kick ass on radio. After all, everyone watches his TV show just to hear his brillant commentary at the end anyway.
This is a big deal?
AP: Gitmo Soldier Details Sexual Tactics
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Female interrogators tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay by sexual touching, wearing a miniskirt and thong underwear and in one case smearing a Saudi man's face with fake menstrual blood, according to an insider's written account.
A draft manuscript obtained by The Associated Press is classified as secret pending a Pentagon review for a planned book that details ways the U.S. military used women as part of tougher physical and psychological interrogation tactics to get terror suspects to talk.
One female civilian contractor used a special outfit that included a miniskirt, thong underwear and a bra during late-night interrogations with prisoners, mostly Muslim men who consider it taboo to have close contact with women who aren't their wives.
Beginning in April 2003, "there hung a short skirt and thong underwear on the hook on the back of the door" of one interrogation team's office, he writes. "Later I learned that this outfit was used for interrogations by one of the female civilian contractors ... on a team which conducted interrogations in the middle of the night on Saudi men who were refusing to talk."
How much money is spent each year in Las Vegas to get treated like this? Some enterprising patriot should open up a strip joint and call it Camp X-Ray.
Strict interpretation of Islamic law forbids physical contact with women other than a man's wife or family, and with any menstruating women, who are considered unclean.
Don't they mean other than his "13 or so" wives?
Call me a heartless bastard, but I really don't give a damn about what is being done down there. I might if I could hear Paul Johnson or Nick Berg tell me how bad they were mistreated, but I can't since they were beheaded.
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Female interrogators tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay by sexual touching, wearing a miniskirt and thong underwear and in one case smearing a Saudi man's face with fake menstrual blood, according to an insider's written account.
A draft manuscript obtained by The Associated Press is classified as secret pending a Pentagon review for a planned book that details ways the U.S. military used women as part of tougher physical and psychological interrogation tactics to get terror suspects to talk.
One female civilian contractor used a special outfit that included a miniskirt, thong underwear and a bra during late-night interrogations with prisoners, mostly Muslim men who consider it taboo to have close contact with women who aren't their wives.
Beginning in April 2003, "there hung a short skirt and thong underwear on the hook on the back of the door" of one interrogation team's office, he writes. "Later I learned that this outfit was used for interrogations by one of the female civilian contractors ... on a team which conducted interrogations in the middle of the night on Saudi men who were refusing to talk."
How much money is spent each year in Las Vegas to get treated like this? Some enterprising patriot should open up a strip joint and call it Camp X-Ray.
Strict interpretation of Islamic law forbids physical contact with women other than a man's wife or family, and with any menstruating women, who are considered unclean.
Don't they mean other than his "13 or so" wives?
Call me a heartless bastard, but I really don't give a damn about what is being done down there. I might if I could hear Paul Johnson or Nick Berg tell me how bad they were mistreated, but I can't since they were beheaded.
They act like we made it up
More hijinks from our friends to the South:
U.S. Travel Alert Irritates Mexico
MEXICO CITY - A U.S. warning about violence along the border in Mexico created unexpected friction with a crucial neighbor Thursday, just as new Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other new members of President Bush's team are starting to take office.
The blunt warning was issued because of an upswing of killings and kidnappings linked to battles between drug gangs in towns along the Mexican side of the border, but Mexico's top Cabinet officer, Interior Secretary Santiago Creel, insisted that the warning "went too far."
"Why didn't they say anything a week ago when I was in that meeting with the secretary of homeland security?" Creel said in a nationally televised interview, referring to a meeting with Tom Ridge on Jan. 17 in Calexico, Calif. "He didn't express any concern to me. On the contrary," Ridge praised Mexico's actions, Creel added.
The outburst of Mexican irritation came on the day that Rice took over and as the Bush Administration is preparing to change leadership at the Homeland Security and Justice Departments, which deal with issues of drug trafficking, immigration and security along the long Mexican border.
U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher defended the warning Thursday, saying 27 U.S. citizens have been abducted in Mexico's northern border region over the past six months and two have been killed. He said it was important to inform Americans about the security situation along the border.
Perhaps if they got this upset over the spate of kidnappings in their country, which has been going on for a long time, the kidnappings would stop and there would be no reason for us to issue a warning like this.
Here at law school, there are several students who are deeply involved with an issue that is very important, the unreal amount of women who go missing or are just killed. Often, these women are found along trails, and no one has idea who they are. A fellow 1L explained her involvement with the issue to me a few weeks ago. I was stunned into silence by what goes on only a few hundreds miles from where I sit. After hearing that, I have little tolerance for the bitching of Mexican officials about travel warnings. They need to take care of their own house before they condemn ours.
U.S. Travel Alert Irritates Mexico
MEXICO CITY - A U.S. warning about violence along the border in Mexico created unexpected friction with a crucial neighbor Thursday, just as new Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other new members of President Bush's team are starting to take office.
The blunt warning was issued because of an upswing of killings and kidnappings linked to battles between drug gangs in towns along the Mexican side of the border, but Mexico's top Cabinet officer, Interior Secretary Santiago Creel, insisted that the warning "went too far."
"Why didn't they say anything a week ago when I was in that meeting with the secretary of homeland security?" Creel said in a nationally televised interview, referring to a meeting with Tom Ridge on Jan. 17 in Calexico, Calif. "He didn't express any concern to me. On the contrary," Ridge praised Mexico's actions, Creel added.
The outburst of Mexican irritation came on the day that Rice took over and as the Bush Administration is preparing to change leadership at the Homeland Security and Justice Departments, which deal with issues of drug trafficking, immigration and security along the long Mexican border.
U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher defended the warning Thursday, saying 27 U.S. citizens have been abducted in Mexico's northern border region over the past six months and two have been killed. He said it was important to inform Americans about the security situation along the border.
Perhaps if they got this upset over the spate of kidnappings in their country, which has been going on for a long time, the kidnappings would stop and there would be no reason for us to issue a warning like this.
Here at law school, there are several students who are deeply involved with an issue that is very important, the unreal amount of women who go missing or are just killed. Often, these women are found along trails, and no one has idea who they are. A fellow 1L explained her involvement with the issue to me a few weeks ago. I was stunned into silence by what goes on only a few hundreds miles from where I sit. After hearing that, I have little tolerance for the bitching of Mexican officials about travel warnings. They need to take care of their own house before they condemn ours.
Wish I knew about this before
A blog called The Ville, which I only discovered today, is going out of business. I spent a while reading the archives, and wish I found this guy before. You just know that he is my type of guy when you read this part of his goodbye post:
A big F.U. to PETA, ALF, ELF,, Ted Rall, Sean Penn, Heather Mallick,, The ACLU, Kofi Annan and The UN, International ANSWER, Osama bin Laden, Jimmy Carter, The AP, The NYT, Dan Rather and CBS, Reuters, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo, Wesley Clark, Gerhard Schroeder, John Kerry, John Edwards, Maureen Dowd, Terry McAuliffe, Jacques Chirac, Moby, Ted Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ed Asner, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Barbara Streisand, Barbara Boxer, Jesse Jackson, Tim Robbins, Anarchists, Cynthia McKinney, Molly Ivins, Al Gore and last, but not least, Michael Moore. Bite me!
A big F.U. to PETA, ALF, ELF,, Ted Rall, Sean Penn, Heather Mallick,, The ACLU, Kofi Annan and The UN, International ANSWER, Osama bin Laden, Jimmy Carter, The AP, The NYT, Dan Rather and CBS, Reuters, Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo, Wesley Clark, Gerhard Schroeder, John Kerry, John Edwards, Maureen Dowd, Terry McAuliffe, Jacques Chirac, Moby, Ted Kennedy, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Ed Asner, Martin Sheen, Danny Glover, Barbara Streisand, Barbara Boxer, Jesse Jackson, Tim Robbins, Anarchists, Cynthia McKinney, Molly Ivins, Al Gore and last, but not least, Michael Moore. Bite me!
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Line of the day
Via Farm Accident Digest:
"I didn't know that Robert Downey was making a movie about that singer dude from Journey."
He was talking about this guy:
Passengers subdue man on Southwest flight

"I didn't know that Robert Downey was making a movie about that singer dude from Journey."
He was talking about this guy:
Passengers subdue man on Southwest flight

Not what I thought
I saw the headline on this Op-ed in today's USA Today, and thought, "Oh wow! Albright's coming clean all the mistakes she and her boss Bill Clinton made.
Missed opportunities in Iraq
By Madeleine K. Albright
One yearns to believe Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld when he says that "just having elections in Iraq is an enormous success and a victory." The sad truth is that it is not.
Silly me. I should have known better.
Missed opportunities in Iraq
By Madeleine K. Albright
One yearns to believe Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld when he says that "just having elections in Iraq is an enormous success and a victory." The sad truth is that it is not.
Silly me. I should have known better.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Oscar Pick 'Em Group - It's FREE
I am inviting all Tomfoolery readers to join our Oscar Pick 'Em Group on Yahoo! Just pick who you think is going to win in all categories. The winner will get a prize that I can scrounge up between now and then. Take a minute and join, especially if you are a regular commenter and a cyberpal of mine.
Just click on "Join A Group." Here's the info you need:
Group # 873
Password: johnkerry
Click here to sign up.
Hope to see you there.
Just click on "Join A Group." Here's the info you need:
Group # 873
Password: johnkerry
Click here to sign up.
Hope to see you there.
Eagles in the Super Bowl
I cannot tell you how happy I am that the Eagles are going to Jacksonville. Frankly, I really did not think they ad much of a shot against the Patriots until I heard ESPN's Sean Salisbury say that they had no shot. After all, it was the same dope Salisbury who had both the Vikings and the Falcons beating the Eagles.
Seriously, I am going to savor this win and give you some insights on the game next week. Go Birds!!!
Seriously, I am going to savor this win and give you some insights on the game next week. Go Birds!!!
The same old stooges
When I see headline like this, I always known right about which Democrats they are going to quote on the record:
Democrats Call Rice Liar, Bush Apologist
WASHINGTON Jan 25, 2005 — One Senate Democrat called Condoleezza Rice a liar Tuesday and others said she was an apologist for Bush administration failures in Iraq, but she remained on track for confirmation as secretary of state.
Rice, who has been President Bush's White House national security adviser for four years, was one of the loudest voices urging war, Democrats said. She repeatedly deceived members of Congress and Americans at large about justifications for the war, said Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn.
Dayton isn't on my usual suspects list, but these clowns are:
"There was no reason to go to war in Iraq when we did, the way we did and for the false reasons we were given," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.
Rice is not directly responsible for intelligence failures prior to the Iraq war that overestimated Saddam's nuclear capability, said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. "But she is responsible for her own distortions and exaggerations of the intelligence which was provided to her," Levin said.
"Dr. Rice is responsible for some of the most overblown rhetoric that the administration used to scare the American people," Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., said.
Only Barbara Boxer and Chucky Schumer are missing. Just imagine if Republican senators slandered a Democrat nominee like this. I don't have to tell you what would happen.
As for Dr. Rice, I couldn't given a damn what a murderer, a former Klansmen, and a lying hypocrite (remember, it was Levin who wrote a letter to Clinton urging him to attack Iraq over WMD. Funny how no one in the liberal media remembers that) says about her. She is a brilliant woman, and everyone knows that she has the ear of President Bush. Imagine how many foreign leaders, especially those misogynistic scum who are going to have to eat shit sandwiches when she gets done with them.
I had hoped the same thing would happen when Madeline Albright took office. Instead, she was a pathetic lapdog, and Arafat shit all over her because he could. You don't think Abbas would treat her like that? Or does anyone actually think that Syrian dirtbag Assad would refuse to see her after she landed in Damascus like he did to Warren Christopher?
We are damn lucky to have Dr. Rice representing us. The Democrats need to stop crying like bitches and confirm her at once.
Democrats Call Rice Liar, Bush Apologist
WASHINGTON Jan 25, 2005 — One Senate Democrat called Condoleezza Rice a liar Tuesday and others said she was an apologist for Bush administration failures in Iraq, but she remained on track for confirmation as secretary of state.
Rice, who has been President Bush's White House national security adviser for four years, was one of the loudest voices urging war, Democrats said. She repeatedly deceived members of Congress and Americans at large about justifications for the war, said Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn.
Dayton isn't on my usual suspects list, but these clowns are:
"There was no reason to go to war in Iraq when we did, the way we did and for the false reasons we were given," said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass.
Rice is not directly responsible for intelligence failures prior to the Iraq war that overestimated Saddam's nuclear capability, said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich. "But she is responsible for her own distortions and exaggerations of the intelligence which was provided to her," Levin said.
"Dr. Rice is responsible for some of the most overblown rhetoric that the administration used to scare the American people," Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., said.
Only Barbara Boxer and Chucky Schumer are missing. Just imagine if Republican senators slandered a Democrat nominee like this. I don't have to tell you what would happen.
As for Dr. Rice, I couldn't given a damn what a murderer, a former Klansmen, and a lying hypocrite (remember, it was Levin who wrote a letter to Clinton urging him to attack Iraq over WMD. Funny how no one in the liberal media remembers that) says about her. She is a brilliant woman, and everyone knows that she has the ear of President Bush. Imagine how many foreign leaders, especially those misogynistic scum who are going to have to eat shit sandwiches when she gets done with them.
I had hoped the same thing would happen when Madeline Albright took office. Instead, she was a pathetic lapdog, and Arafat shit all over her because he could. You don't think Abbas would treat her like that? Or does anyone actually think that Syrian dirtbag Assad would refuse to see her after she landed in Damascus like he did to Warren Christopher?
We are damn lucky to have Dr. Rice representing us. The Democrats need to stop crying like bitches and confirm her at once.
Saturday, January 22, 2005
NFC and AFC Championship Games
Regular readers know that I was born and raised in South Philly and that I have been a lifelong Eagles fan. After suffering through 3 straight championship games losses, I think you can imagine how badly I want the Eagles to win. All I am going to say is this: Come Sunday night at about 6:00 p.m. Eastern time or so, all of the so-called "experts" who have been giving Mike Vick crown all week will be left with one thought: "How the hell did I ever think that the Falcons could win this game?"
Prediction: Eagles 27 Falcons 13
As for the AFC Championship Game, I just can't see the Steelers winning this game. This isn't a knock on the Steelers, who are a damn good team. This thought comes from my deep respect for the Patriots, who I think are going to win the Super Bowl, even if they play my Eagles. I like Ben Roethlisberger. He is a terrific quarterback and the type of guy you could root for. However, he is rookie, and he played like one last week. The Patriots will expose Big Ben even more than the Jets did. They are way too smart and talented to lose.
Prediction: Patriots 24 Steelers 13
By the way, if you want to have a little fun, try out this 700 Level game to see if you can survive the Vet. Watch ou for the batteries!
Prediction: Eagles 27 Falcons 13
As for the AFC Championship Game, I just can't see the Steelers winning this game. This isn't a knock on the Steelers, who are a damn good team. This thought comes from my deep respect for the Patriots, who I think are going to win the Super Bowl, even if they play my Eagles. I like Ben Roethlisberger. He is a terrific quarterback and the type of guy you could root for. However, he is rookie, and he played like one last week. The Patriots will expose Big Ben even more than the Jets did. They are way too smart and talented to lose.
Prediction: Patriots 24 Steelers 13
By the way, if you want to have a little fun, try out this 700 Level game to see if you can survive the Vet. Watch ou for the batteries!
Line of the day
Here we go
The Iraqi elections are one week from today, and the entire week is guaranteed to be filled with nonsensical stories like this:
Iraq Gas Shortages Overshadow Election
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Taxi driver Raed Ali sleeps in his cab in streets that crackle with gunfire after dark, risking robbery or death to get a good spot at daybreak in one of the gasoline lines that wind through Baghdad's muddy alleys and gridlocked thoroughfares.
The irony of fuel shortages in one of the world's leading sources of petroleum is high on the list of hassles facing Iraqis, siphoning off much of the excitement over next week's national elections.
That's right. For the first time, the Iraqis have an honest chance to choose who will govern them, but they just can't get excited because they have no gas. Like the old leftists who thought that because Moussolini made the trains run on yime, the AP throws in this little tidbit, which I knew was coming as soon as I read the headline:
Some in the gas lines were nostalgic for the order Saddam imposed.
Except all the rape, murder, and pillage, life under Saddam was just wonderful I'm sure.
And the New York Times gets their shots in:
Iraq Remains Starkly Divided Over the Value of an Election
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 22 - Hejaz Hazim, a computer engineer who could not find a job in computers and now cleans clothes, slammed his iron into a dress shirt the other day and let off a burst of steam about the coming election.
"This election is bogus," Mr. Hazim said. "There is no drinking water in this city. There is no security. Why should I vote?"
Why should he vote? That's easy. To put the people in power who he believes would address his concerns. And, to get his country functioning properly so that he can get back to working in computers, that's why? Does he actually think that not having the election is going to fix all his problems. If the election did not happen now, his problems are only beginning. This, on the other hand, is the correct attitude:
Across town in the Shiite stronghold of Sadr City, a grocer called Abu Allah stood behind his pyramids of fruit and said that no matter what, he was going to the polls.
"Even if there's a bomb in my polling place," he said, "I will go in it."
Then we get this, an angle that the New York Times just loves printing:
When asked for his thoughts on the election process, Jabbar Saeed, a businessman in the Sunni-dominated city of Falluja, which has been reduced to rubble not once but twice, said Zionists were behind the election and added, "This election is not free or honest."
As for the future, he said, "things will turn worse."
And another expected quote:
"Let me tell you something important," lectured Walid Muhammad, the imam of a major Sunni mosque here. "As long as my country is under occupation, I feel that my vote means nothing."
And how much exactly was his vote worth before?
At least the times throws in a truthful quote, one that is so far down at the end of the article that many other outlets who pick up Times' stories will probably drop:
There was one thing, though, that many Iraqis interviewed for this article, from all groups, agreed on: the novelty of free elections. Abdul Khadim Ali, a portrait painter, remembers the days of Mr. Hussein's elections and how there were not 111 spots on the ballot but 2: yes or no.
"Some Baathist guy once came to our house and told my family we didn't have to go to the trouble of filling out our ballots - he'd do it for us," he said, referring to Mr. Hussein's party.
"This time," Mr. Ali said, "I'm marking my own box."
Sadly, if the media wasn't so anxious for the elections to fail (and by extension, a Bush failure), a lot of the problems with the elections would not exist. The more the media gives aid and comfort to the scum who don't want a free Iraq, the more effort they will put in to intimidate people. This is going to be an angering week of media watching for me.
Iraq Gas Shortages Overshadow Election
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Taxi driver Raed Ali sleeps in his cab in streets that crackle with gunfire after dark, risking robbery or death to get a good spot at daybreak in one of the gasoline lines that wind through Baghdad's muddy alleys and gridlocked thoroughfares.
The irony of fuel shortages in one of the world's leading sources of petroleum is high on the list of hassles facing Iraqis, siphoning off much of the excitement over next week's national elections.
That's right. For the first time, the Iraqis have an honest chance to choose who will govern them, but they just can't get excited because they have no gas. Like the old leftists who thought that because Moussolini made the trains run on yime, the AP throws in this little tidbit, which I knew was coming as soon as I read the headline:
Some in the gas lines were nostalgic for the order Saddam imposed.
Except all the rape, murder, and pillage, life under Saddam was just wonderful I'm sure.
And the New York Times gets their shots in:
Iraq Remains Starkly Divided Over the Value of an Election
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Jan. 22 - Hejaz Hazim, a computer engineer who could not find a job in computers and now cleans clothes, slammed his iron into a dress shirt the other day and let off a burst of steam about the coming election.
"This election is bogus," Mr. Hazim said. "There is no drinking water in this city. There is no security. Why should I vote?"
Why should he vote? That's easy. To put the people in power who he believes would address his concerns. And, to get his country functioning properly so that he can get back to working in computers, that's why? Does he actually think that not having the election is going to fix all his problems. If the election did not happen now, his problems are only beginning. This, on the other hand, is the correct attitude:
Across town in the Shiite stronghold of Sadr City, a grocer called Abu Allah stood behind his pyramids of fruit and said that no matter what, he was going to the polls.
"Even if there's a bomb in my polling place," he said, "I will go in it."
Then we get this, an angle that the New York Times just loves printing:
When asked for his thoughts on the election process, Jabbar Saeed, a businessman in the Sunni-dominated city of Falluja, which has been reduced to rubble not once but twice, said Zionists were behind the election and added, "This election is not free or honest."
As for the future, he said, "things will turn worse."
And another expected quote:
"Let me tell you something important," lectured Walid Muhammad, the imam of a major Sunni mosque here. "As long as my country is under occupation, I feel that my vote means nothing."
And how much exactly was his vote worth before?
At least the times throws in a truthful quote, one that is so far down at the end of the article that many other outlets who pick up Times' stories will probably drop:
There was one thing, though, that many Iraqis interviewed for this article, from all groups, agreed on: the novelty of free elections. Abdul Khadim Ali, a portrait painter, remembers the days of Mr. Hussein's elections and how there were not 111 spots on the ballot but 2: yes or no.
"Some Baathist guy once came to our house and told my family we didn't have to go to the trouble of filling out our ballots - he'd do it for us," he said, referring to Mr. Hussein's party.
"This time," Mr. Ali said, "I'm marking my own box."
Sadly, if the media wasn't so anxious for the elections to fail (and by extension, a Bush failure), a lot of the problems with the elections would not exist. The more the media gives aid and comfort to the scum who don't want a free Iraq, the more effort they will put in to intimidate people. This is going to be an angering week of media watching for me.
Friday, January 21, 2005
More on Kelo v. New London
As I said here, the most important civil rights case of the year is Kelo v. New London. Crime and Federalism has an important update on the case.
Ex Post, a blog of Columbia law students who belong to the Federalist Society, has a differing view.
Ex Post, a blog of Columbia law students who belong to the Federalist Society, has a differing view.
This is news?
Perhaps next we'll get a headline that reads, "Phoenix is hot in July."
Strikes disrupt French rail services
Strikes disrupt French rail services
Whoever is behind this...
...should get the gas chamber:
Men duped by Filipino phone line
Men who called a sex chat line to talk to Filipino girls were left short changed - by women putting on an exotic Far Eastern accent.
Callers paid £1 a minute on a premium line to speak to one of 40 women pretending to be from the Philippines.
Nottingham magistrates heard trading standards officers discovered the line was run from a base in Sherwood.
Company owner Andrew Vanderahe, 41, from Cambridge, was fined for breaching the Trade Descriptions Act.
The court was told trading standards uncovered the scam following a complaint from a caller.
How dare those scum rip-off those hard-up teabags? And, if that isn't bad enough, the bobbies took it real seriously:
They launched a 19-month investigation into the base in Hucknall Road that cost £17,000.
And, showing the true brilliance of socialism, look what they got from it:
Vanderahe, from Sawston, who ran Jabba Communications, admitted making false statements about the service and selling customers restricted porn videos without a licence.
He was fined £650 and ordered to pay costs of £1,000.
Oh well. Gotta love those teabags. You have no right to defend yourself in your home, but, damn, you have a right to not be defrauded when you call "Filipino" sex lines.
Men duped by Filipino phone line
Men who called a sex chat line to talk to Filipino girls were left short changed - by women putting on an exotic Far Eastern accent.
Callers paid £1 a minute on a premium line to speak to one of 40 women pretending to be from the Philippines.
Nottingham magistrates heard trading standards officers discovered the line was run from a base in Sherwood.
Company owner Andrew Vanderahe, 41, from Cambridge, was fined for breaching the Trade Descriptions Act.
The court was told trading standards uncovered the scam following a complaint from a caller.
How dare those scum rip-off those hard-up teabags? And, if that isn't bad enough, the bobbies took it real seriously:
They launched a 19-month investigation into the base in Hucknall Road that cost £17,000.
And, showing the true brilliance of socialism, look what they got from it:
Vanderahe, from Sawston, who ran Jabba Communications, admitted making false statements about the service and selling customers restricted porn videos without a licence.
He was fined £650 and ordered to pay costs of £1,000.
Oh well. Gotta love those teabags. You have no right to defend yourself in your home, but, damn, you have a right to not be defrauded when you call "Filipino" sex lines.
From the "I wish I thought of this first department"
Via Matthew Hoy:
Stupidity on the "right:" SpongeBob SquarePants is not a homosexual, despite what some people say. You'd have thought they would've learned their lesson after the whole Tinky Winky episode.
However, in their "defense," they're only using similar standards for determining sexual preference as others have used to determine that Abraham Lincoln was gay.
Dopes. They need to leave my man SpongeBob alone. If it were Patrick, that would be different.
Stupidity on the "right:" SpongeBob SquarePants is not a homosexual, despite what some people say. You'd have thought they would've learned their lesson after the whole Tinky Winky episode.
However, in their "defense," they're only using similar standards for determining sexual preference as others have used to determine that Abraham Lincoln was gay.
Dopes. They need to leave my man SpongeBob alone. If it were Patrick, that would be different.
My governor in action
I am convinced that the governor of the state of New Mexico, where I live, will be placing his hat into the ring in 2008. Just from the little things he has been doing, it sure seems that way. This quote in today's New York Times convinces me that he will take a shot.
Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, a Democrat who has been mentioned as a potential candidate for 2008, said: "You have a totally wide-open field with no leading candidate and no 800-pound gorillas on each side. You're seeing generation changes in both parties, and you're seeing totally new faces emerge."
If Hillary Clinton isn't the definition of a political 800-pound gorilla, then I don't know what is.
If you get a chance, let me know in the comments what you know about Bill Richardson. If you don't know anything about him say that too. I am just curious to know how people around the country view him, if they do at all.
Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, a Democrat who has been mentioned as a potential candidate for 2008, said: "You have a totally wide-open field with no leading candidate and no 800-pound gorillas on each side. You're seeing generation changes in both parties, and you're seeing totally new faces emerge."
If Hillary Clinton isn't the definition of a political 800-pound gorilla, then I don't know what is.
If you get a chance, let me know in the comments what you know about Bill Richardson. If you don't know anything about him say that too. I am just curious to know how people around the country view him, if they do at all.
Want free speech rights? Don't work for the ACLU
Once again, our friends at the Anti-Christian Liberals Union show themselves to be nothing more than true hypocrites.
A.C.L.U. Will Consider Disciplining 2 Officials
The American Civil Liberties Union, which since its inception has fought to protect free speech rights, is scheduled to begin a debate today over whether to discipline - or potentially move to oust - two board members for speaking to reporters.
The executive committee of the A.C.L.U. board will discuss whether Wendy Kaminer and Michael Meyers have acted inappropriately as board members. The two have criticized some actions by the executive director, Anthony D. Romero, and the executive committee for what they said was a failure to provide proper oversight.
While this publicity will ensiure that these 2 will keep their jobs, you just gotta love how the ACLU doesn't even practice what they preach.
A.C.L.U. Will Consider Disciplining 2 Officials
The American Civil Liberties Union, which since its inception has fought to protect free speech rights, is scheduled to begin a debate today over whether to discipline - or potentially move to oust - two board members for speaking to reporters.
The executive committee of the A.C.L.U. board will discuss whether Wendy Kaminer and Michael Meyers have acted inappropriately as board members. The two have criticized some actions by the executive director, Anthony D. Romero, and the executive committee for what they said was a failure to provide proper oversight.
While this publicity will ensiure that these 2 will keep their jobs, you just gotta love how the ACLU doesn't even practice what they preach.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Inauguration Day
In honor of those dopes at Bush Blackout, our friend Greg at Just Morons (who is an American expat in Denmark) designed this, which I am leaving up for the entire inauguration day. Thanks Greg!!


Hey Cuba, you first
This is almost as funny as Syria on the U.N. Human Rights Commission.
Cuba Slams U.S. on Treatment of Detainees
HAVANA - Cuba on Wednesday accused the United States of lying about its treatment of inmates at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, claiming torture and cruelty occur daily at the prison camp for terror suspects.
The Cuban Foreign Ministry said in a statement Wednesday that it sent a letter to the U.S. government urging authorities to immediately stop the alleged abuse at the camp, which sits on Cuba's easternmost tip.
Cuba said the United States has been lying to hide "the horrendous torture, cruelty and humiliating and insulting treatment of prisoners" that are all part of the abuse "the U.S. government commits every day."
The U.S. State Department dismissed the charges, caying it was ironic that such criticisms were coming from "the biggest, and most closed, human rights violator in the hemisphere."
Wow. The State Department actually showing some guts. I am stunned. I think when Dr. Rice is there we'll hear more of these types of comebacks, which is exactly what Foggy Bottom should be doing.
Of course, the AP gets this shot in:
It denied that human rights violations are occurring at Guantanamo but stopped short of saying none had occurred previously.
Why not write that the Cuban statement stopped short of denying that Castro sticks scorpions in his ass for pleasure? That would be pretty much the same type of ridiculous "journalism" we've come to expect from the AP.
Cuba Slams U.S. on Treatment of Detainees
HAVANA - Cuba on Wednesday accused the United States of lying about its treatment of inmates at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, claiming torture and cruelty occur daily at the prison camp for terror suspects.
The Cuban Foreign Ministry said in a statement Wednesday that it sent a letter to the U.S. government urging authorities to immediately stop the alleged abuse at the camp, which sits on Cuba's easternmost tip.
Cuba said the United States has been lying to hide "the horrendous torture, cruelty and humiliating and insulting treatment of prisoners" that are all part of the abuse "the U.S. government commits every day."
The U.S. State Department dismissed the charges, caying it was ironic that such criticisms were coming from "the biggest, and most closed, human rights violator in the hemisphere."
Wow. The State Department actually showing some guts. I am stunned. I think when Dr. Rice is there we'll hear more of these types of comebacks, which is exactly what Foggy Bottom should be doing.
Of course, the AP gets this shot in:
It denied that human rights violations are occurring at Guantanamo but stopped short of saying none had occurred previously.
Why not write that the Cuban statement stopped short of denying that Castro sticks scorpions in his ass for pleasure? That would be pretty much the same type of ridiculous "journalism" we've come to expect from the AP.
Is this supposed to be funny?

I sure don't get it one bit. Who publishes this crap?
"That dummy Bush conned all of us"
The above quote is made up, a way to show you the hypocrisy of the Bush-bashers. They say he is the dumbest man on the planet in one breath, and then say he conned the whole world on Iraq and WMD's in the next. I always say, if Bush is so dumb, and he is conned you, what does that say about you?
This Reuters article is an even better example of what I mean:
PARIS (Reuters) - The rest of the world will be watching with anxiety when President Bush is inaugurated Thursday for a second time, fearing the most powerful man on the planet may do more harm than good.
Many world leaders, alienated by Bush's go-it-alone foreign policy and the U.S.-led war in Iraq, would have preferred him to lose the U.S. election last November. Since his victory, they have been urging him to listen and consult more.
All in one sentence. Bush is both going it alone and leading a war in Iraq. Breathtaking. Don't these people employ editors to catch this stuff?
This Reuters article is an even better example of what I mean:
PARIS (Reuters) - The rest of the world will be watching with anxiety when President Bush is inaugurated Thursday for a second time, fearing the most powerful man on the planet may do more harm than good.
Many world leaders, alienated by Bush's go-it-alone foreign policy and the U.S.-led war in Iraq, would have preferred him to lose the U.S. election last November. Since his victory, they have been urging him to listen and consult more.
All in one sentence. Bush is both going it alone and leading a war in Iraq. Breathtaking. Don't these people employ editors to catch this stuff?
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Just wondering
I have heard almost nothing about who will be swearing in Bush on Thursday. I read last week that Rehnquist looks awful. Will he be able to do it? If not, then who? I am surprised at the lack of coverage of this.
Prediction: Rehnquist announces his retirement next week, to maximize the public attention that will be bestowed upon him for his over 30 years of service.
Prediction: Rehnquist announces his retirement next week, to maximize the public attention that will be bestowed upon him for his over 30 years of service.
Rice Confirmation Hearing
When Madeline Albright was confirmed as Secretary of State, at the time I was happy thinking about how scumbags around the world would be forced to deal with a Jewish woman, considering the severe lack of respect for women in many of the problem countries she would be dealing with. Sadly, instead she became a poodle, especially for Yassar Arafat, and I was disheartened by her tenure.
Today, I watched Dr. Condoleezza Rice take on that dunce Barbara Boxer, and I was inspired by it. How many times have we watched a confirmation hearing, and although the nominee was assured confirmation like Rice is, hr or she would get lambasted by some grandstanding Senator and would take it in silence? Many, many times we have seen it. However, Dr. Rice smacked down Boxer wonderfully.
Rice answered the day's harshest questioning, from Sen. Boxer, with a rare note of strain in her voice. Boxer came close to accusing Rice of having lied in her public statements about the run-up to war in Iraq.
"Your loyalty to your mission you were given overwhelmed your respect for the truth, and I don't say it lightly," Boxer said.
"I have never, ever lost respect for the truth in service of anything," Rice replied coolly. "It is not my nature, it is not my character. And I would hope that we can have this conversation ... without impugning my credibility or my integrity."
I wish I were a fly on the wall when some of the scum that lead other countires try to test her nerve. However, I suspect they already know that Dr. Rice is no joke and means business. We are damn lucky to have such a fine women representing us in the world.
And, by the way, how nice of John Kerry to show up for work today.
Today, I watched Dr. Condoleezza Rice take on that dunce Barbara Boxer, and I was inspired by it. How many times have we watched a confirmation hearing, and although the nominee was assured confirmation like Rice is, hr or she would get lambasted by some grandstanding Senator and would take it in silence? Many, many times we have seen it. However, Dr. Rice smacked down Boxer wonderfully.
Rice answered the day's harshest questioning, from Sen. Boxer, with a rare note of strain in her voice. Boxer came close to accusing Rice of having lied in her public statements about the run-up to war in Iraq.
"Your loyalty to your mission you were given overwhelmed your respect for the truth, and I don't say it lightly," Boxer said.
"I have never, ever lost respect for the truth in service of anything," Rice replied coolly. "It is not my nature, it is not my character. And I would hope that we can have this conversation ... without impugning my credibility or my integrity."
I wish I were a fly on the wall when some of the scum that lead other countires try to test her nerve. However, I suspect they already know that Dr. Rice is no joke and means business. We are damn lucky to have such a fine women representing us in the world.
And, by the way, how nice of John Kerry to show up for work today.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
The "latest" news from the wires
Since the Colts-Patriots game was a dud, I decided to read the wires to see what was going on. Here's what I found:
Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam: US Senator Kennedy
This is news? Hasn't the drunken ol' murderer said this many times before?
Bush: U.S. Not Rushing to Leave Iraq
Again, this is news? Hasn't Bush been saying this for quite a while now?
And, my favorite story of the day, reeking with bias. What kind of bias depends on who you read. Here's CBS's take:
Bush: Voters Ratified Iraq Policy
Read the first paragraph closely:
(CBS/AP) President Bush says his re-election proves Americans agree with his decision to invade Iraq, and that as a result, there's no need to hold any administration officials accountable for mistakes made in planning for the war, or its aftermath.
Now read the second:
"We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections," Mr. Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post for Sunday's editions. "The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me."
Now, where exactly did Bush say, hint, or even suggest that there was no need to hold anyone accountable? I read the entire story and saw nothing to even remotely justify that lead paragraph. Of course, this is not surprising. After all, this is CBS we are talking about. Now, on to this, from another usual suspect, CNN:
Bush hit for linking Iraq to vote
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. President George W. Bush has been criticized for claiming that his re-election in 2004 was a ratification of his policy on Iraq.
How dare Bush act like the voters were supporting him and his policies by voting for him? Bush is way too stupid to understand that by his winning, the American people rejected his Iraq policy completely.
Seriously, let's see who criticized him:
- "The policy is ridiculous," Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy said.
- "I think the American people obviously re-elected him. That doesn't mean they agree with all of his policies relative to Iraq or all of the ways in which the Iraq war has been fought," Senator Carl Levin said.
Wow. Kennedy and Levin. There's two guys that we should all listen to. And, well, no one else is quoted. Don't you just love those shameless anti-Bush headlines? How many more election cycles is it going to take before the Democrats decide to become a viable party again? How many more viewers do CBS and CNN need to lose before they understand that this laughable bias just ain't working out for them? If CNN were honest, the headline would have read, "Bush: 'Voters ratified Iraq policy.' Democrats disagree." Or something close to that.
And then there is this:
Report: U.S. Conducting Secret Missions Inside Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets, The New Yorker magazine reported Sunday.
Although Reuters meant for this story to somehow be a bad thing, I was damn happy to read it. Until I saw the source. Now I am concerned that we might not being doing it.
The article, by award-winning reporter Seymour Hersh, said the secret missions have been going on at least since last summer with the goal of identifying target information for three dozen or more suspected sites.
Hersh quotes one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon as saying, "The civilians in the Pentagon want to go into Iran and destroy as much of the military infrastructure as possible."
Damn, I hope Hersh is absolutely right. Sadly, I don't think so, because he thinks this is a bad thing, and he thiks that this is somehow an anti-Bush story. And, Hersh is not exactly loyal to the truth when it comes to America-bashing.
Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam: US Senator Kennedy
This is news? Hasn't the drunken ol' murderer said this many times before?
Bush: U.S. Not Rushing to Leave Iraq
Again, this is news? Hasn't Bush been saying this for quite a while now?
And, my favorite story of the day, reeking with bias. What kind of bias depends on who you read. Here's CBS's take:
Bush: Voters Ratified Iraq Policy
Read the first paragraph closely:
(CBS/AP) President Bush says his re-election proves Americans agree with his decision to invade Iraq, and that as a result, there's no need to hold any administration officials accountable for mistakes made in planning for the war, or its aftermath.
Now read the second:
"We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections," Mr. Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post for Sunday's editions. "The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me."
Now, where exactly did Bush say, hint, or even suggest that there was no need to hold anyone accountable? I read the entire story and saw nothing to even remotely justify that lead paragraph. Of course, this is not surprising. After all, this is CBS we are talking about. Now, on to this, from another usual suspect, CNN:
Bush hit for linking Iraq to vote
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. President George W. Bush has been criticized for claiming that his re-election in 2004 was a ratification of his policy on Iraq.
How dare Bush act like the voters were supporting him and his policies by voting for him? Bush is way too stupid to understand that by his winning, the American people rejected his Iraq policy completely.
Seriously, let's see who criticized him:
- "The policy is ridiculous," Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy said.
- "I think the American people obviously re-elected him. That doesn't mean they agree with all of his policies relative to Iraq or all of the ways in which the Iraq war has been fought," Senator Carl Levin said.
Wow. Kennedy and Levin. There's two guys that we should all listen to. And, well, no one else is quoted. Don't you just love those shameless anti-Bush headlines? How many more election cycles is it going to take before the Democrats decide to become a viable party again? How many more viewers do CBS and CNN need to lose before they understand that this laughable bias just ain't working out for them? If CNN were honest, the headline would have read, "Bush: 'Voters ratified Iraq policy.' Democrats disagree." Or something close to that.
And then there is this:
Report: U.S. Conducting Secret Missions Inside Iran
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has been conducting secret reconnaissance missions inside Iran to help identify potential nuclear, chemical and missile targets, The New Yorker magazine reported Sunday.
Although Reuters meant for this story to somehow be a bad thing, I was damn happy to read it. Until I saw the source. Now I am concerned that we might not being doing it.
The article, by award-winning reporter Seymour Hersh, said the secret missions have been going on at least since last summer with the goal of identifying target information for three dozen or more suspected sites.
Hersh quotes one government consultant with close ties to the Pentagon as saying, "The civilians in the Pentagon want to go into Iran and destroy as much of the military infrastructure as possible."
Damn, I hope Hersh is absolutely right. Sadly, I don't think so, because he thinks this is a bad thing, and he thiks that this is somehow an anti-Bush story. And, Hersh is not exactly loyal to the truth when it comes to America-bashing.
Told you so, didn't I? I told you all week that the Eagles defense wasn't the Packers, and I told you the Eagles would beat them hands down. And how about that troll Randy Moss? 3 catches for 51 yards. He's a joke.
And I am telling you know that you will hear all week how wonderful Michael Vick is. You will hear the same "geniuses" who had the Vikings beating the Eagles this week saying that the Falcons will beat the Eagles. It will be, "how will they stop Vick?" every 5 minutes. They will kiss Vick's ass like he is the greatest player since Jim Brown. And, just like this week, the Eagles will win. There is no way the Eagles are losing the NFC Championship Game for the 4th straight year, and especially not to this Falcons team.
(p.s. Pre-game prediction: Patriots 31- Colts 24)
Go Birds!!

And I am telling you know that you will hear all week how wonderful Michael Vick is. You will hear the same "geniuses" who had the Vikings beating the Eagles this week saying that the Falcons will beat the Eagles. It will be, "how will they stop Vick?" every 5 minutes. They will kiss Vick's ass like he is the greatest player since Jim Brown. And, just like this week, the Eagles will win. There is no way the Eagles are losing the NFC Championship Game for the 4th straight year, and especially not to this Falcons team.
(p.s. Pre-game prediction: Patriots 31- Colts 24)
Go Birds!!

Saturday, January 15, 2005
Random Thoughts
In honor of Thomas Sowell, a man of brilliance, I give you these random thoughts:
- Why doesn't the History Channel just rename itself the Hitler Channel? After all, about 80% of its programming is in some way related to Hitler, the SS, and/or The Third Reich.
- Is it me, or is ESPN slowly becoming MTV? They seem to be inching away from sports little by little. They are now premiering music videos, making movies like "3" and shows like Tilt (I actually think, after seeing one episode, that the show has potential), and more than ever act like they are just the coolest thing going. Just sports is all I want from them. And, am I the only one who thinks that Stuart Scott just plain sucks?
- I sometimes cannot believe what I hear from my fellow law school students. The same people who scream bloody murder because the government can discover that you flew from Albuquerque to Lubbock 3 years ago have no problem with the government forcing someone from their home in order to give your land to a developer who might give the politicans more tax dollars to waste than your property taxes give them.
- What the hell is wrong with the NHL? They aren't playing, and very few people besides me care. Don't both sides realize that? What the hell are they waiting for? Lock them in a room, and settle it. Soon, there won't be a dollar (or loonie)for them to fight over any longer.
- Michael Newdow needs to go away. His 15 minutes are long over. Believe me, I am more offended by him than he is by Bush placing his hand on a Bible.
- If you have the time, watch some or all of this discussion between Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Stephen Breyer about foreign influences on our law. Scalia rarely can be heard like this. He usually doesn't allow camera or tape recorders at his speeches. If you watch these two debate with an open mind, you cannot come to any other conclusion than that Scalia's style of jurisprudence is exactly what we need at the Supreme Court, not Breyer's. Don't get me wrong, Breyer is a brilliant man. But he is far too liberal, and it seems to me that his primary concern is how his opinions are received at Yale and Harvard. This quote from Breyer concerns me deeply:
"U.S. law is not handed down from on high even at the U.S. Supreme Court," he said. "The law emerges from a conversation with judges, lawyers, professors and law students. ... It's what I call opening your eyes as to what's going on elsewhere."
Read that again. Closely. How about legislatures, Mr. Justice? I want the law to emerge from people whose asses I can vote out. And, I don't care one whit for "foreign moods, fads, or fashions" when our law is concerned. The only thing I despise more than a limousine liberal is a one-world liberal. Breyer, shown by his own words, is a one-world liberal, who doesn't not believe in American exceptionalism. That is why I do not care for his ilk.
- Go Birds!!!
- Why doesn't the History Channel just rename itself the Hitler Channel? After all, about 80% of its programming is in some way related to Hitler, the SS, and/or The Third Reich.
- Is it me, or is ESPN slowly becoming MTV? They seem to be inching away from sports little by little. They are now premiering music videos, making movies like "3" and shows like Tilt (I actually think, after seeing one episode, that the show has potential), and more than ever act like they are just the coolest thing going. Just sports is all I want from them. And, am I the only one who thinks that Stuart Scott just plain sucks?
- I sometimes cannot believe what I hear from my fellow law school students. The same people who scream bloody murder because the government can discover that you flew from Albuquerque to Lubbock 3 years ago have no problem with the government forcing someone from their home in order to give your land to a developer who might give the politicans more tax dollars to waste than your property taxes give them.
- What the hell is wrong with the NHL? They aren't playing, and very few people besides me care. Don't both sides realize that? What the hell are they waiting for? Lock them in a room, and settle it. Soon, there won't be a dollar (or loonie)for them to fight over any longer.
- Michael Newdow needs to go away. His 15 minutes are long over. Believe me, I am more offended by him than he is by Bush placing his hand on a Bible.
- If you have the time, watch some or all of this discussion between Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Stephen Breyer about foreign influences on our law. Scalia rarely can be heard like this. He usually doesn't allow camera or tape recorders at his speeches. If you watch these two debate with an open mind, you cannot come to any other conclusion than that Scalia's style of jurisprudence is exactly what we need at the Supreme Court, not Breyer's. Don't get me wrong, Breyer is a brilliant man. But he is far too liberal, and it seems to me that his primary concern is how his opinions are received at Yale and Harvard. This quote from Breyer concerns me deeply:
"U.S. law is not handed down from on high even at the U.S. Supreme Court," he said. "The law emerges from a conversation with judges, lawyers, professors and law students. ... It's what I call opening your eyes as to what's going on elsewhere."
Read that again. Closely. How about legislatures, Mr. Justice? I want the law to emerge from people whose asses I can vote out. And, I don't care one whit for "foreign moods, fads, or fashions" when our law is concerned. The only thing I despise more than a limousine liberal is a one-world liberal. Breyer, shown by his own words, is a one-world liberal, who doesn't not believe in American exceptionalism. That is why I do not care for his ilk.
- Go Birds!!!
NFL Playoffs - Saturday's games
Herman Edwards must be a Democrat. How else can you explain him making the same dumb, idiotic mistake that San Diego made against his team just like week? (Of course, as a result, the Jets are now joining the Chargers on the golf course)
Last week, in overtime, needing a field goal to win, the Chargers got the ball inside the 30-yard line. As soon as that happened, the Chargers stopped trying, and ran the ball into the line, acting as if the game waa over. The kicker tanked the kick, and they susbsequently lost. Today, the jets got nside the 30-yard line in the last minute, needing only a field goal to win, and instead of continuing to play, they had all the urgency of a guy waiting for a bus. They let the clock run down, and, as expected, the kicker tanked the kick.
I will never understand NFL coaches. They become gutless worms at the moment of truth. It always happens. I could write a book about it. Herman Edwards has been the most disgraceful clock manager since Rich Kotite. I like Herm a ton, but he has killed his team this year. Just killed them. And, Chad "linguini-arm" Pennington needed to step up and show real leadership when it counted. He failed to do so.
Do I really care about the Jets, Jets, Jets? Of course not. But I do not like the Steelers, and I really wanted to see them go down. The Steelers are lucky bastards.
As for the Falcons, here's a memo to ESPN's Sean Salisbury and every other clown that just saw the Falcons win and has them in the Super Bowl: IT WAS THE RAMS!! They are pure frauds!! They backed into the playoffs, beating the Eagles 3rd strings (barely, I might add), the lifeless Jets, and the worthless Seahawks. All week, many of the "geniuses" who write and talk about football had the Rams going into Atlanta and winning. Now, these same men of wisdom have the Falcons in the Super Bowl.
Hold on a minute, fellas. There is the minor issue of the Philadelphia Eagles. These same "geniuses" had the Vikings going into Philadelphia and winning 5 minutes after the Vikings-Packers game was over. These guys must be liberals, because they think history began 5 minutes ago. The Vikings lost 4 of their last 5, and beat a highly overrated Packers team, with a QB on his last legs, making rookie mistakes, and a secondary that has those stiffs Al Harris and Ahman Carroll. The Eagles have 3 Pro-Bowlers in their secondary, and a team really only lost 1 game. (Those last 2, where they played nobody, don't count)
The Eagles will beat the Vikings. Of this I have no doubt. And, Michael Vick is not going to run all over the field against the Eagles, so forget that. The Eagles are going to the Super Bowl.
My predictions are on the record. Get yours in if you'd like.
Go Birds!!!
Last week, in overtime, needing a field goal to win, the Chargers got the ball inside the 30-yard line. As soon as that happened, the Chargers stopped trying, and ran the ball into the line, acting as if the game waa over. The kicker tanked the kick, and they susbsequently lost. Today, the jets got nside the 30-yard line in the last minute, needing only a field goal to win, and instead of continuing to play, they had all the urgency of a guy waiting for a bus. They let the clock run down, and, as expected, the kicker tanked the kick.
I will never understand NFL coaches. They become gutless worms at the moment of truth. It always happens. I could write a book about it. Herman Edwards has been the most disgraceful clock manager since Rich Kotite. I like Herm a ton, but he has killed his team this year. Just killed them. And, Chad "linguini-arm" Pennington needed to step up and show real leadership when it counted. He failed to do so.
Do I really care about the Jets, Jets, Jets? Of course not. But I do not like the Steelers, and I really wanted to see them go down. The Steelers are lucky bastards.
As for the Falcons, here's a memo to ESPN's Sean Salisbury and every other clown that just saw the Falcons win and has them in the Super Bowl: IT WAS THE RAMS!! They are pure frauds!! They backed into the playoffs, beating the Eagles 3rd strings (barely, I might add), the lifeless Jets, and the worthless Seahawks. All week, many of the "geniuses" who write and talk about football had the Rams going into Atlanta and winning. Now, these same men of wisdom have the Falcons in the Super Bowl.
Hold on a minute, fellas. There is the minor issue of the Philadelphia Eagles. These same "geniuses" had the Vikings going into Philadelphia and winning 5 minutes after the Vikings-Packers game was over. These guys must be liberals, because they think history began 5 minutes ago. The Vikings lost 4 of their last 5, and beat a highly overrated Packers team, with a QB on his last legs, making rookie mistakes, and a secondary that has those stiffs Al Harris and Ahman Carroll. The Eagles have 3 Pro-Bowlers in their secondary, and a team really only lost 1 game. (Those last 2, where they played nobody, don't count)
The Eagles will beat the Vikings. Of this I have no doubt. And, Michael Vick is not going to run all over the field against the Eagles, so forget that. The Eagles are going to the Super Bowl.
My predictions are on the record. Get yours in if you'd like.
Go Birds!!!
When you need a laugh...
...go visit Media Matters. The site seems to be based on their outrage that conservative commentators actually have opinions. I stop by once in a while for some laughs. But, if you need to know where their real priorities are, just read this thread complaining about how al-Qaeda is entitled to Geneva Convention protections, and that conservatives are lying when they say that al-Qaeda isn't entitled to them.
Here are some other howlers:
NY Post revived Sandy Berger "socks docs" rumors - Yeah, that was only a rumor. OK. Sure.
On MSNBC, Byron York repeated unwarranted attacks on Dan Rather - Mary Mapes may yet have a job prospect with this bunch.
Limbaugh on Guantánamo detainees reportedly forced to defecate on themselves: "I thought they did that anyway over there" - Uh, someone needs to remind them that Rush is a commentator and an entertainer.
In CBS memos coverage, media ignored -- or even denied -- credible evidence that Bush failed to fulfill National Guard duty - Nice "fake but accurate" try.
Like I said. If you need a laugh, and the Chapelle Show is not on, just visit Media Matters.
Here are some other howlers:
NY Post revived Sandy Berger "socks docs" rumors - Yeah, that was only a rumor. OK. Sure.
On MSNBC, Byron York repeated unwarranted attacks on Dan Rather - Mary Mapes may yet have a job prospect with this bunch.
Limbaugh on Guantánamo detainees reportedly forced to defecate on themselves: "I thought they did that anyway over there" - Uh, someone needs to remind them that Rush is a commentator and an entertainer.
In CBS memos coverage, media ignored -- or even denied -- credible evidence that Bush failed to fulfill National Guard duty - Nice "fake but accurate" try.
Like I said. If you need a laugh, and the Chapelle Show is not on, just visit Media Matters.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Why Randy Moss is a tool
I love Randy Moss' talent. I am in awe of his ability and love watching him play. But the reason he acts like a total jackass is perfectly illustrated in this story.
McCombs wants Fox's Buck off Vikings-Eagles telecast
EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (AP) -- Fox Sports turned down Vikings owner Red McCombs' request to remove play-by-play announcer Joe Buck from Sunday's game at Philadelphia over his criticism of Randy Moss.
After Moss caught a touchdown pass in last weekend's win at Green Bay, the wide receiver celebrated by pretending to pull down his pants and moon Packers fans. Buck immediately called it a ``disgusting act.''
McCombs said that statement was out of line. A two-sentence news release issued by the team said McCombs felt Buck's comments ``suggested a prejudice that surpassed objective reporting.''
Dan Bell, a Fox spokesman, said Wednesday the network has ``no intention whatsoever'' of removing Buck.
Nor should they. Buck, whether you agree or not, made a fair observation, which is what he should have done. When the Viking's brass sit in their offices, complaining about how Moss' antics are hurting their team, all they need to do is look in the nearest mirror.
One more thing: Eagles will beat the Vikings this weekend. Bank on it.
Go Birds!
McCombs wants Fox's Buck off Vikings-Eagles telecast
EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (AP) -- Fox Sports turned down Vikings owner Red McCombs' request to remove play-by-play announcer Joe Buck from Sunday's game at Philadelphia over his criticism of Randy Moss.
After Moss caught a touchdown pass in last weekend's win at Green Bay, the wide receiver celebrated by pretending to pull down his pants and moon Packers fans. Buck immediately called it a ``disgusting act.''
McCombs said that statement was out of line. A two-sentence news release issued by the team said McCombs felt Buck's comments ``suggested a prejudice that surpassed objective reporting.''
Dan Bell, a Fox spokesman, said Wednesday the network has ``no intention whatsoever'' of removing Buck.
Nor should they. Buck, whether you agree or not, made a fair observation, which is what he should have done. When the Viking's brass sit in their offices, complaining about how Moss' antics are hurting their team, all they need to do is look in the nearest mirror.
One more thing: Eagles will beat the Vikings this weekend. Bank on it.
Go Birds!
This week's fun-filled meme
The talking points from the DNC headquarters came out a few days ago, and this is all I have been hearing on the talk shows from the lefties. (The AP has finally ogtten around to re-writing the talking points and repackaging them)
Some Now Question Cost of Inauguration
WASHINGTON - President Bush's second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?
_200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.
_Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.
_A down payment on the nation's deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year.
_Two years' salary for the Mets' new center fielder Carlos Beltran, or all of pitcher Randy Johnson's contract extension with the New York Yankees.
Weeks ago, the inauguration and its accompanying costs were considered a given, an historic ceremony with all the pomp, pageantry and celebrations that the nation had come to expect every four years.
But a recent confluence of events — the tsunami natural disaster, Bush's warning about Social Security finances and the $5 billion-a-month price tag for the war in Iraq — have many Americans now wondering why spend the money the second time around.
No one gives a damn except the same leftists who hate Bush's guts and are now trying to embarrass him into canceling the inaguration (of course, won't happen), to place a black cloud around Bush's day, or just to simply deflect attention from Bush.
This is private money!! Despite what the left thinks, private money belongs to private people, to spend as they wish. It has nothing to do with the deficit or anything else governmental.
This part is laughable, from the usual suspects:
New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, suggested inaugural parties should be scaled back, citing as a precedent Roosevelt's inauguration during World War II.
"President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," according to a letter from Weiner and Rep. Jim McDermott), D-Wash. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."
These are the same people who have refused to act like we were in a war for years. Now, they want to compare the war on terror to both World Wars.
No one cares. I am tired of hearing about this.
Some Now Question Cost of Inauguration
WASHINGTON - President Bush's second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?
_200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.
_Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.
_A down payment on the nation's deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year.
_Two years' salary for the Mets' new center fielder Carlos Beltran, or all of pitcher Randy Johnson's contract extension with the New York Yankees.
Weeks ago, the inauguration and its accompanying costs were considered a given, an historic ceremony with all the pomp, pageantry and celebrations that the nation had come to expect every four years.
But a recent confluence of events — the tsunami natural disaster, Bush's warning about Social Security finances and the $5 billion-a-month price tag for the war in Iraq — have many Americans now wondering why spend the money the second time around.
No one gives a damn except the same leftists who hate Bush's guts and are now trying to embarrass him into canceling the inaguration (of course, won't happen), to place a black cloud around Bush's day, or just to simply deflect attention from Bush.
This is private money!! Despite what the left thinks, private money belongs to private people, to spend as they wish. It has nothing to do with the deficit or anything else governmental.
This part is laughable, from the usual suspects:
New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, suggested inaugural parties should be scaled back, citing as a precedent Roosevelt's inauguration during World War II.
"President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," according to a letter from Weiner and Rep. Jim McDermott), D-Wash. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."
These are the same people who have refused to act like we were in a war for years. Now, they want to compare the war on terror to both World Wars.
No one cares. I am tired of hearing about this.
Yeah, Abbas is a man of peace
So much for that "mandate for peace" that the New York Times talked about.
Five Israelis Die in Gaza Suicide Bombing
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Palestinian militants set off a large truck bomb as gunmen stormed an Israeli base at a vital Gaza crossing Thursday, killing five Israelis and wounding five others in an attack that defied peace efforts by new Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
And, look at that. The AP is already in the tank for Abbas. That didn't take long. The laughter continues in the piece.
The assault, in which three Palestinians attackers were also killed, was by far the biggest since Abbas won an election Sunday to succeed Yasser Arafat as head of the Palestinian Authority (news - web sites). Abbas has been trying to persuade militant groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad to agree to a cease-fire, but so far with no success.
Wow, the biggest since Sunday? I am impressed! And, the howls just keep on coming:
The bombing came just hours after Hamas' West Bank leader — known as a relative moderate within Hamas — said it might consider an end to attacks against Israel. Hamas was one of three militant groups that claimed responsibility for the bombing, dubbing it "Shaking Castles."
There you have it. A moderate in Hamas is one who might consider an end to attacks in Israel. It is becoming harder and hardet ot tell the difference between Scrappleface and the AP these days.
Five Israelis Die in Gaza Suicide Bombing
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Palestinian militants set off a large truck bomb as gunmen stormed an Israeli base at a vital Gaza crossing Thursday, killing five Israelis and wounding five others in an attack that defied peace efforts by new Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas.
And, look at that. The AP is already in the tank for Abbas. That didn't take long. The laughter continues in the piece.
The assault, in which three Palestinians attackers were also killed, was by far the biggest since Abbas won an election Sunday to succeed Yasser Arafat as head of the Palestinian Authority (news - web sites). Abbas has been trying to persuade militant groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad to agree to a cease-fire, but so far with no success.
Wow, the biggest since Sunday? I am impressed! And, the howls just keep on coming:
The bombing came just hours after Hamas' West Bank leader — known as a relative moderate within Hamas — said it might consider an end to attacks against Israel. Hamas was one of three militant groups that claimed responsibility for the bombing, dubbing it "Shaking Castles."
There you have it. A moderate in Hamas is one who might consider an end to attacks in Israel. It is becoming harder and hardet ot tell the difference between Scrappleface and the AP these days.
Tell CAIR to F Off
I have only watched ABC's "The Practice" twice. The second time was the last, because I was beyond pissed at the subject matter of the show, and especially one of the dumbest lines I ever heard uttered in a TV show. The lawyers just had a baby, and the woman said something close to this: "I don't want to have my baby Christened Catholic because I don't want her to be molested when she gets older." I was so pissed, I never watched the show again, which is the appropriate response. Yes, the Catholic Church has done some disgraceful things, and deserves fair criticism, but not that over the top bullshit.
Fox TV Accused of Stereotyping American Muslims
Contrast that with the TV show "24," which had a scene that depicted a Muslim family as terrorists. Of course, CAIR wants to act like this something that Fox made up out of thin air. Just like I had to deal with the story line on "The Practice, CAIR needs to shut up and and deal with the story line on "24." If they want shows like "24" to stop having story lines that depict Muslims as terrorists, then perhaps CAIR should get as outraged at the terrorists who give their religion a bad name. (Of course, Hamas would cut off their funding)
Besides, screenwriters can only change the plot to "Neo-Nazi terrorists" so many times before they look utterly ridiculous.
Fox TV Accused of Stereotyping American Muslims
Contrast that with the TV show "24," which had a scene that depicted a Muslim family as terrorists. Of course, CAIR wants to act like this something that Fox made up out of thin air. Just like I had to deal with the story line on "The Practice, CAIR needs to shut up and and deal with the story line on "24." If they want shows like "24" to stop having story lines that depict Muslims as terrorists, then perhaps CAIR should get as outraged at the terrorists who give their religion a bad name. (Of course, Hamas would cut off their funding)
Besides, screenwriters can only change the plot to "Neo-Nazi terrorists" so many times before they look utterly ridiculous.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Thank God for fine soldiers like this
Please take a moment to read the story about a fine American that we lost in Iraq. It is fine soldiers like Sgt. Rafael Peralta who make me convinced that we will win the war on terror.
Sgt. Rafael Peralta, American Hero
Sgt. Rafael Peralta, American Hero
Dopey Royals
I really despise the Teabag Royal Family. (Although I must admit I did like Diana quite a bit) The British Royals are the world's biggest welfare collectors, and, from looking at this picture, it is obvious that Prince Harry has a lot more dollars than sense. (Or, if you will, more pounds than pence)
Harry says sorry for Nazi costume
Is Harry so dumb as to not understand the full meaning of what he did? Of course not. He is crying out for attention. As the younger Prince, and thus a nothing in the line of succession, he hardly ever gets the attention that William gets. That is why he did this. I would bet quite a few quid that he planned for this to happen, and is smiling up and down to himself about all the attention he is getting, and is going to get from this.

Harry says sorry for Nazi costume
Is Harry so dumb as to not understand the full meaning of what he did? Of course not. He is crying out for attention. As the younger Prince, and thus a nothing in the line of succession, he hardly ever gets the attention that William gets. That is why he did this. I would bet quite a few quid that he planned for this to happen, and is smiling up and down to himself about all the attention he is getting, and is going to get from this.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Uh, oh...the liberals will be getting the vapors
In an interview with the Washington Times, President Bush said this:
I don't see how you can be president — at least from my perspective, how you can be president, without a — without a relationship with the Lord.
Just watch the liberals go nuts over this. Of course, these will be the same liberals who thought nothing of Kerry's "religious rebirth" during the campaign. I cannot wait to see how the liberals react to this, and watch them throw themselves further into the abyss.
I don't see how you can be president — at least from my perspective, how you can be president, without a — without a relationship with the Lord.
Just watch the liberals go nuts over this. Of course, these will be the same liberals who thought nothing of Kerry's "religious rebirth" during the campaign. I cannot wait to see how the liberals react to this, and watch them throw themselves further into the abyss.
Dead Air America
I just saw this blurb on Drudge:
'AIR AMERICA' RATINGS TURBULENCE IN NY CITY: Surprising many observers who expected it to shine during election season, all-liberal upstart WLIB (1190 AM) -- base station for Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo -- actually headed south, shedding 15% of its summer audience to finish fall at 24th place in just-released ARBITRONS...
The only people who expected Air America to shine during the election season were those who loved what they had to say, and failed to see Air America for what it truly is: A network of talentless hacks.
I have been telling you for months that Air America's leftism is not what is wrong with the network, it is the talent. Al Franken just isn't very funny, and neither is Janeane Garafalo. Really, just look at their resumes. Take a look at Franken's filmography. What a pathetic resume! (And, did Franken do anything memorable on Saturday Night Live?) And here is Garofalo's, which is better than Al Franken's. (That's not saying much)
I listen to that nonsense on Sirius just to see what they are up to from time to time. I tune out pretty quick because they run the same old tired crap over and over again. (Plus, who wants to hear Randi Rhodes discuss our "failed" military strategy? She don't know jack!) There is nothing compelling. What many people don't get is that you don't have to be liked to get ratings. You have to be compelling. I guarantee you that 30-40% of Rush Limbaugh's audience hates his guts. But they find him compelling, and they listen.
The perfect example can be seen in the movie Private Parts, when the market researcher stuns the radio bigwigs when he tells them that the people who hate Stern listen longer than the people who like him. I was in radio a long time, and I was not surprised at all when I saw that scene. If Air America had talent, they would be successful. Hiring a bunch of people who are failed actors was doomed to fail from the start. If they could have bashed Bush and made it interesting, they would have succeeded because people like me would have listened. But nothing in Franken's or Garofalo's career ever suggested they would be interesting to listen to. In fact, it is very likely that they took the jobs because they did not have any better opportunities.
Air America will be gone soon. With Bush re-elected, is there any reason for their investors to keep dumping money into that quagmire?
'AIR AMERICA' RATINGS TURBULENCE IN NY CITY: Surprising many observers who expected it to shine during election season, all-liberal upstart WLIB (1190 AM) -- base station for Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo -- actually headed south, shedding 15% of its summer audience to finish fall at 24th place in just-released ARBITRONS...
The only people who expected Air America to shine during the election season were those who loved what they had to say, and failed to see Air America for what it truly is: A network of talentless hacks.
I have been telling you for months that Air America's leftism is not what is wrong with the network, it is the talent. Al Franken just isn't very funny, and neither is Janeane Garafalo. Really, just look at their resumes. Take a look at Franken's filmography. What a pathetic resume! (And, did Franken do anything memorable on Saturday Night Live?) And here is Garofalo's, which is better than Al Franken's. (That's not saying much)
I listen to that nonsense on Sirius just to see what they are up to from time to time. I tune out pretty quick because they run the same old tired crap over and over again. (Plus, who wants to hear Randi Rhodes discuss our "failed" military strategy? She don't know jack!) There is nothing compelling. What many people don't get is that you don't have to be liked to get ratings. You have to be compelling. I guarantee you that 30-40% of Rush Limbaugh's audience hates his guts. But they find him compelling, and they listen.
The perfect example can be seen in the movie Private Parts, when the market researcher stuns the radio bigwigs when he tells them that the people who hate Stern listen longer than the people who like him. I was in radio a long time, and I was not surprised at all when I saw that scene. If Air America had talent, they would be successful. Hiring a bunch of people who are failed actors was doomed to fail from the start. If they could have bashed Bush and made it interesting, they would have succeeded because people like me would have listened. But nothing in Franken's or Garofalo's career ever suggested they would be interesting to listen to. In fact, it is very likely that they took the jobs because they did not have any better opportunities.
Air America will be gone soon. With Bush re-elected, is there any reason for their investors to keep dumping money into that quagmire?
The ACLU has one Constitution, we have another
Via Best of the Web Today comes this howler from those dopes at the ACLU. Read carefully:
It is probably no accident that freedom of speech is the first freedom mentioned in the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The Constitution's framers believed that freedom of inquiry and liberty of expression were the hallmarks of a democratic society.
That's not the same First Amendment that the rest of America has. Here is ours:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So, using the ACLU's logic, religion must be the "hallmark of a democratic society," because religion is actually mentioned first in the First Amendment. How do you like that? The ACLU claims to be the stauchest defenders of the Constitution, yet they can't even honestly tell you what it says.
One more thing about the ACLU, right from their own home page:
We are nonprofit and nonpartisan...
Interesting. Yet, they always seem to be against President Bush's nominees. The press release opposing (yeah, I know they say they have no position, but let's get real here) the nomination of Michael Chertoff for Homeland Security was out about 5 minutes after the announcement.
It is probably no accident that freedom of speech is the first freedom mentioned in the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The Constitution's framers believed that freedom of inquiry and liberty of expression were the hallmarks of a democratic society.
That's not the same First Amendment that the rest of America has. Here is ours:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
So, using the ACLU's logic, religion must be the "hallmark of a democratic society," because religion is actually mentioned first in the First Amendment. How do you like that? The ACLU claims to be the stauchest defenders of the Constitution, yet they can't even honestly tell you what it says.
One more thing about the ACLU, right from their own home page:
We are nonprofit and nonpartisan...
Interesting. Yet, they always seem to be against President Bush's nominees. The press release opposing (yeah, I know they say they have no position, but let's get real here) the nomination of Michael Chertoff for Homeland Security was out about 5 minutes after the announcement.
Laugh of the week
The leftist scum that permeate our country are so pathetic, even a top satirist could not make up this website:
Bush Black Out
Their goal is to get you to "black out" your website on January 20th in protest of Bush's inauguration. They give you some wonderful images to use. Here's my favorite:
Funny how democracy is dead when their guy lost. And, perhaps they should get their dates in order. 1787 (or 1789 if you want to get real technical) - 2005 would be more appropriate.
This is begging for a Photoshop. If you have time to kill, make up a quick one and send it to me. I'll post it right away, and like Mr. Hand says, "giving you full credit of course."
Bush Black Out
Their goal is to get you to "black out" your website on January 20th in protest of Bush's inauguration. They give you some wonderful images to use. Here's my favorite:

Funny how democracy is dead when their guy lost. And, perhaps they should get their dates in order. 1787 (or 1789 if you want to get real technical) - 2005 would be more appropriate.
This is begging for a Photoshop. If you have time to kill, make up a quick one and send it to me. I'll post it right away, and like Mr. Hand says, "giving you full credit of course."
Monday, January 10, 2005
This has to be a joke
The FOX Blocker?
Priced at JUST $8.95, the FOXBlocker is a wonderful way of telling the advertisers at FOX News that you are no longer interested in being exposed to right wing propaganda.
If this is serious, I am sure there are many dopey ass liberals who will buy it. Perhaps they should just hit the menu in their TV set and clear FOX's channel off the statins that show up when you flip channels, just like I have done with HGTV, Lifetime, and Discovery Health channel.
Priced at JUST $8.95, the FOXBlocker is a wonderful way of telling the advertisers at FOX News that you are no longer interested in being exposed to right wing propaganda.
If this is serious, I am sure there are many dopey ass liberals who will buy it. Perhaps they should just hit the menu in their TV set and clear FOX's channel off the statins that show up when you flip channels, just like I have done with HGTV, Lifetime, and Discovery Health channel.
Dan Blather
The report is out, and you can get incredible analysis from Power Line, RatherBiased, and, when the DOS attack is stopped, Little Green Footballs. I will only add this:
- I laughed my ass off when I heard Alan Colmes tease Hannity and Colmes tonight by saying, "Carl Bernstein, no stranger to Presidential scandals, on the show tonight." (or something close to that) You just gotta love the balls of liberals. Even now, after all that has happened, Colmes has to hold out this as a Bush scandal. Colmes probably still thinks that Clinton "did not have sex with that woman."
- The report is really meaningless. We already know what they told us, and we already know that the report leaves out or glosses over the obvious, such as the fact that Rather and CBS are as politically biased as could be. However, I must give CBS credit for releasing it on a Monday morning, allowing a full vetting, rather than sneaking it out late on a Friday. Also, Mary Mapes got what she deserved.
- That Rather did not get fired is immaterial. His reputation is shot, gone, kaput, done, finished. That is the worst thing that could happen to him. Rather's fine career is tainted forever, and few will remember all the great reporting he did over the years, especially early in his career.
Take a moment to remember the enormity of what CBS did. They tried to destroy President Bush with false documents, to perpetrate a fraud on the entire American public because they wanted John Kerry to be elected President. A pure Soviet tactic. And, many intelligent people make total jackasses out of themselves to try and keep the story alive, or to lend it credence. (i.e. New York Times headline, "Fake but accurate.") And, these dopes, especially Mapes, didn't even get themselves a $250,000 check for promoting Kerry's agenda!!
The MSM is like a former friend of mine. He was out cheating on his girlfriend for a year. He thought that she was totally oblivious, and had no idea what he was up to. He laughed and smirked at his own slyness. One day, he came home from work, and the house was cleaned out, along with the bank accounts. She left him a note that simply said, "I'm not the fool you think I am." He was shocked and got all upset at a poker game, telling us how sorry he was, etc. I felt like saying, "What did you expect, you idiot?" I tell you this story for you to understand what the MSM thinks of us. They think we are dopes who take everything they say as the gospel. And they are shocked when we hold them to account, or just simply tune out. Ratings are down, circulation is down, and the blogosphere has some real juice. The MSM can berate blogs all they want, but most blogs (like mine) are done by people who love to exercise their free speech rights, and want to engage in the debates of the day. And, most, like me, don't make dime one for doing it.
- I laughed my ass off when I heard Alan Colmes tease Hannity and Colmes tonight by saying, "Carl Bernstein, no stranger to Presidential scandals, on the show tonight." (or something close to that) You just gotta love the balls of liberals. Even now, after all that has happened, Colmes has to hold out this as a Bush scandal. Colmes probably still thinks that Clinton "did not have sex with that woman."
- The report is really meaningless. We already know what they told us, and we already know that the report leaves out or glosses over the obvious, such as the fact that Rather and CBS are as politically biased as could be. However, I must give CBS credit for releasing it on a Monday morning, allowing a full vetting, rather than sneaking it out late on a Friday. Also, Mary Mapes got what she deserved.
- That Rather did not get fired is immaterial. His reputation is shot, gone, kaput, done, finished. That is the worst thing that could happen to him. Rather's fine career is tainted forever, and few will remember all the great reporting he did over the years, especially early in his career.
Take a moment to remember the enormity of what CBS did. They tried to destroy President Bush with false documents, to perpetrate a fraud on the entire American public because they wanted John Kerry to be elected President. A pure Soviet tactic. And, many intelligent people make total jackasses out of themselves to try and keep the story alive, or to lend it credence. (i.e. New York Times headline, "Fake but accurate.") And, these dopes, especially Mapes, didn't even get themselves a $250,000 check for promoting Kerry's agenda!!
The MSM is like a former friend of mine. He was out cheating on his girlfriend for a year. He thought that she was totally oblivious, and had no idea what he was up to. He laughed and smirked at his own slyness. One day, he came home from work, and the house was cleaned out, along with the bank accounts. She left him a note that simply said, "I'm not the fool you think I am." He was shocked and got all upset at a poker game, telling us how sorry he was, etc. I felt like saying, "What did you expect, you idiot?" I tell you this story for you to understand what the MSM thinks of us. They think we are dopes who take everything they say as the gospel. And they are shocked when we hold them to account, or just simply tune out. Ratings are down, circulation is down, and the blogosphere has some real juice. The MSM can berate blogs all they want, but most blogs (like mine) are done by people who love to exercise their free speech rights, and want to engage in the debates of the day. And, most, like me, don't make dime one for doing it.
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Randy Moss and more
First off, what's the deal with Randy Moss' 'fro? What, is he trying out for the lead in Undercover Brother 2?
And, what the hell was that crap Moss pulled in the end zone? (If you didn't see it, Moss caught a TD pass, and then ran next to the goal post, stopped, and pantiomimed mooning the fans, and wiping his ass with the goal post) I expect that the comissioner will unceremoniously remove $75,000 from Moss' wallet for that stunt. And, what is the deal with ESPN getting all high-brow and refusing to show it?
It doesn't matter for the Vikings. They will go into Philly next week and get stomped. No way they get the turnovers they got this week, and the Eagles secondary, with 3 Pro-Bowlers, is much better than the Packers.
If you are a Packers fan, perhaps it is time that you come to terms with the reality that Brett Favre is on his last legs. That "gunslinger" schtick does not work anymore. Don't get me wrong. I love watching the guy play, and have for a long time. He's an all-timer, and a sure-fire first ballot hall of famer. But the fact is that he is done.
If you are a Broncos fan, say farewell to Jake Plummer. That guy just isn't good enough. He will never take the Broncos anywhere. And, funny how much of a "genius" Mike Shanahan isn't when John Elway isn't under center.
And, the Colts have a real shot at winning next week against the Patriots. But they won't. Then again, I picked only 1 game right this weekend, so what do I know?
Go Birds!!!

And, what the hell was that crap Moss pulled in the end zone? (If you didn't see it, Moss caught a TD pass, and then ran next to the goal post, stopped, and pantiomimed mooning the fans, and wiping his ass with the goal post) I expect that the comissioner will unceremoniously remove $75,000 from Moss' wallet for that stunt. And, what is the deal with ESPN getting all high-brow and refusing to show it?

It doesn't matter for the Vikings. They will go into Philly next week and get stomped. No way they get the turnovers they got this week, and the Eagles secondary, with 3 Pro-Bowlers, is much better than the Packers.
If you are a Packers fan, perhaps it is time that you come to terms with the reality that Brett Favre is on his last legs. That "gunslinger" schtick does not work anymore. Don't get me wrong. I love watching the guy play, and have for a long time. He's an all-timer, and a sure-fire first ballot hall of famer. But the fact is that he is done.
If you are a Broncos fan, say farewell to Jake Plummer. That guy just isn't good enough. He will never take the Broncos anywhere. And, funny how much of a "genius" Mike Shanahan isn't when John Elway isn't under center.
And, the Colts have a real shot at winning next week against the Patriots. But they won't. Then again, I picked only 1 game right this weekend, so what do I know?
Go Birds!!!
Kerry in Palestine
Via Little Green Footballs, take a good look at this picture, and read the ridiculous caption below it.
Former U.S. presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA), an election observer, waves as he passes a Palestinian security guard on his way to meet Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie in the West Bank city of Ramallah January 9, 2005. Palestinians voted on Sunday for a successor to Yasser Arafat and looked likely to elect Mahmoud Abbas, a pragmatist who has promised to revive a peace process with Israel after years of bloodshed. REUTERS/David Furst
The part about Abbas being a "pragmatist" who is looking for peace with Israel is pure bullshit, we all know that. My point is here, just look at Kerry. Not a bit concerned that there is a Palestinian holding an automatic weapon a few feet from him. No fear that they might try to kill him. And, why should he fear? Those terrorist scum know who their friends are.
As if you needed more proof, this picture tells you all you need to know about what a Kerry presidency would have been all about.
In my dreams, I wish a reporter would ask him this: "Senator, which election do you feel was more legitimate, the American or the Palestinian?"

Former U.S. presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-MA), an election observer, waves as he passes a Palestinian security guard on his way to meet Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurie in the West Bank city of Ramallah January 9, 2005. Palestinians voted on Sunday for a successor to Yasser Arafat and looked likely to elect Mahmoud Abbas, a pragmatist who has promised to revive a peace process with Israel after years of bloodshed. REUTERS/David Furst
The part about Abbas being a "pragmatist" who is looking for peace with Israel is pure bullshit, we all know that. My point is here, just look at Kerry. Not a bit concerned that there is a Palestinian holding an automatic weapon a few feet from him. No fear that they might try to kill him. And, why should he fear? Those terrorist scum know who their friends are.
As if you needed more proof, this picture tells you all you need to know about what a Kerry presidency would have been all about.
In my dreams, I wish a reporter would ask him this: "Senator, which election do you feel was more legitimate, the American or the Palestinian?"
This is shocking
I haven't been this stunned about an election result since Saddam was re-elected with 99% of the vote.
Abbas Claims Victory in Poll to Succeed Arafat
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Mahmoud Abbas won a landslide victory on Sunday in a Palestinian election to succeed Yasser Arafat, securing a strong mandate to talk peace with Israel after years of bloodshed and end corruption at home.
Mandate for peace? Who are they kidding? This guy is every bit as vile as Arafat, and will act accordingly.
If you can stomach it, read the whole article. It is laughable how al-Reuters treats this as a more legitimate election than ours.
Abbas Claims Victory in Poll to Succeed Arafat
RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Mahmoud Abbas won a landslide victory on Sunday in a Palestinian election to succeed Yasser Arafat, securing a strong mandate to talk peace with Israel after years of bloodshed and end corruption at home.
Mandate for peace? Who are they kidding? This guy is every bit as vile as Arafat, and will act accordingly.
If you can stomach it, read the whole article. It is laughable how al-Reuters treats this as a more legitimate election than ours.
Saturday, January 08, 2005
What a game. The Chargers did not deserve to lose. But they did, because of the gutlessness of Coach of the Year Marty Schottenheimer. This time, Schottenheimer cannot blame Ernest Byner's fumble at the goal line, Elway's 98-yard drive, or Lynn Elliot's 3 missed field goals. Schottenheimer himself blew the game when he had his team stop playing when they got inside the 25-yard line in overtime. That kind of "play not to lose" mentality permeates an entire team. Calling 3 cheap-ass runs into the line, and playing for the field goal, told the team he had little confidence in them. As such, the insecurity permeated to the kicker. Nate Kaeding missed the kick, and the Jets took advantage.
A strange thing that NFL. Today, we saw a pathetic Rams team lose to an even more pathetic Seahawks team, and then we watched a linguni-armed Chad Pennington lead a lousy Jets team to victory over a good Chargers team. Yet, both games were top-notch, and once again the NFL Playoffs lived up to their billing.
I sat on my bump and watched both games in their entirety. I will do the same tomorrow. I'll bet many of you did the same today, and will do the same tomorrow.
A strange thing that NFL. Today, we saw a pathetic Rams team lose to an even more pathetic Seahawks team, and then we watched a linguni-armed Chad Pennington lead a lousy Jets team to victory over a good Chargers team. Yet, both games were top-notch, and once again the NFL Playoffs lived up to their billing.
I sat on my bump and watched both games in their entirety. I will do the same tomorrow. I'll bet many of you did the same today, and will do the same tomorrow.
The nerve of the U.N.
The United Nations has released an "audit" of the Oil-for-Food scam, and there is nothing about how Saddam (and many other corrupt scum) used the program to fill his coffers to the tune of billions. But, in a sneaky bit of Kofi ass-covering, the U.N.'s "audit" shows how some contractors were overcharging them.
AP: U.N. Audits Show Oil-For-Food Bilking
NEW YORK - Internal audits conducted by the United Nations of its oil-for-food program revealed lapses in U.N. oversight that allowed contractors to overcharge by hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to copies obtained by The Associated Press.
Two of the audits examined irregularities including overcharging by two companies that were hired to monitor oil sales and the import of humanitarian goods under the program. Another detailed financial mismanagement by a U.N. agency administering humanitarian aid under the program...
Now, here's is where the "audit" gets really f'n slick.
The audits of the two companies hired by the United Nations reveal "overpayments, a total lack of U.N. verification of contractor duties performed, and no-bid procedures for additional contracts and extensions," a spokesman for the House International Relations Committee said on condition of anonymity...
Another report from July 21, 1999, detailed possible overpayments of more than $3 million to London-based Lloyd's Register Inspection Ltd., which was hired to inspect and monitor humanitarian goods as they were imported into Iraq...
In 1998 Lloyd's Register pulled out of the contract and was a replaced by another company, Cotecna Inspection S.A., a Swiss company, which has also been the subject of investigations of the U.N. program.
What a crock!! Kofi Annan replaced Lloyd's Register with Cotecna, a company that had Kofi Annan's son Kojo on the payroll!! How slick of them to show that the company that was replaced was overcharging them, giving themselves a ready-made response to anyone who might bring up how much Kojo Annan made in the scam.
Imagine if we had an honest media. The U.N. would never get away with this. They wouldn't even try it if they didn't already know that the AP, Reuters, and the New York Times would never bother to vet anything they say.
AP: U.N. Audits Show Oil-For-Food Bilking
NEW YORK - Internal audits conducted by the United Nations of its oil-for-food program revealed lapses in U.N. oversight that allowed contractors to overcharge by hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to copies obtained by The Associated Press.
Two of the audits examined irregularities including overcharging by two companies that were hired to monitor oil sales and the import of humanitarian goods under the program. Another detailed financial mismanagement by a U.N. agency administering humanitarian aid under the program...
Now, here's is where the "audit" gets really f'n slick.
The audits of the two companies hired by the United Nations reveal "overpayments, a total lack of U.N. verification of contractor duties performed, and no-bid procedures for additional contracts and extensions," a spokesman for the House International Relations Committee said on condition of anonymity...
Another report from July 21, 1999, detailed possible overpayments of more than $3 million to London-based Lloyd's Register Inspection Ltd., which was hired to inspect and monitor humanitarian goods as they were imported into Iraq...
In 1998 Lloyd's Register pulled out of the contract and was a replaced by another company, Cotecna Inspection S.A., a Swiss company, which has also been the subject of investigations of the U.N. program.
What a crock!! Kofi Annan replaced Lloyd's Register with Cotecna, a company that had Kofi Annan's son Kojo on the payroll!! How slick of them to show that the company that was replaced was overcharging them, giving themselves a ready-made response to anyone who might bring up how much Kojo Annan made in the scam.
Imagine if we had an honest media. The U.N. would never get away with this. They wouldn't even try it if they didn't already know that the AP, Reuters, and the New York Times would never bother to vet anything they say.
Rams-Seahawks game
Is there a biggest tool in football than Rams' coach Mike Martz? I can hardly remember watching anyone that I purely disliked more than him. The Rams are a joke, and Martz is the head clown. I can hardly wait for the Rams to go into Philly next week and get jacked up by the Eagles.
Sgt. Hancock is a bad moth..shut your mouth
Take a moment to read about Sgt. Herbert B. Hancock, one of the fine Marines who provide our freedom on a daily basis.
Marine sniper credited with longest confirmed kill in Iraq
Marine sniper credited with longest confirmed kill in Iraq
Friday, January 07, 2005
NFL Playoff Predictions
Seahawks over Rams
Chargers over Jets
Colts over Broncos
Packers over Vikings
Chargers over Jets
Colts over Broncos
Packers over Vikings
Liberal racism yet again
What Armstrong Williams did was wrong, but he doesn't deserve the treatment he is recieving from some blogger named Steve Gillard. He should have just called Williams a nigger like he wants to. He basically did in his post. (Also, who refers to someone as a "Negro" these days?)
Isn't it amazing to see the overt racism coming from liberals today?
Isn't it amazing to see the overt racism coming from liberals today?
Disgrace of the day
The public schools are run by a bunch of tools. You will not believe this story. Couldn't a couple of teachers carried these guys out?
[hat tip: mASS BACKWARDS]
[hat tip: mASS BACKWARDS]
The Associated Press with more comedy
I love the AP because they are a great source for comedy. You have to wonder what world these people are living in, and how they can write things like this with a straight face.
AP Poll Finds Americans Split About Bush
WASHINGTON - President Bush prepares to start his second term with an ambitious list of tasks but also a public evenly split about his job performance, an Associated Press poll found.
Bush's approval rating is at 49 percent in the AP poll, with 49 percent disapproving. His job approval is in the high 40s in several other recent polls — as low as any job approval rating for a re-elected president at the start of the second term in more than 50 years.
Anything to bash Bush. Anything. I would be ashamed to write or publish an article like this, because the only poll that matters happened about 100 days ago. The laughs continue:
Presidents Reagan and Clinton had job approval ratings near six in 10 just before their inauguration for a second term, according to Gallup polls.
That sounds right about Reagan, because he did get 59% of the vote for re-election. But the Clinton mention is laughable because he won re-election with only 49% of the vote. Funny how his approval ratings were so much higher than his actual vote total.
AP Poll Finds Americans Split About Bush
WASHINGTON - President Bush prepares to start his second term with an ambitious list of tasks but also a public evenly split about his job performance, an Associated Press poll found.
Bush's approval rating is at 49 percent in the AP poll, with 49 percent disapproving. His job approval is in the high 40s in several other recent polls — as low as any job approval rating for a re-elected president at the start of the second term in more than 50 years.
Anything to bash Bush. Anything. I would be ashamed to write or publish an article like this, because the only poll that matters happened about 100 days ago. The laughs continue:
Presidents Reagan and Clinton had job approval ratings near six in 10 just before their inauguration for a second term, according to Gallup polls.
That sounds right about Reagan, because he did get 59% of the vote for re-election. But the Clinton mention is laughable because he won re-election with only 49% of the vote. Funny how his approval ratings were so much higher than his actual vote total.
Thursday, January 06, 2005
New Year, Same Old Kerry
The Senate is back in session this week, and where's John Kerry? Why, in Baghdad, bashing Bush. First, get this howler from the San Francisco Chronicle, starting with the headline:
Kerry cheered in Baghdad, decries Bush team's 'blunders' - Once criticized for war stance, he says force alone won't win
Now, read into the story:
Baghdad -- Sen. John Kerry, whose seemingly shifting positions on the U.S. war in Iraq plagued him throughout his presidential campaign, came to this war- torn capital Wednesday to see for himself whether the country was moving toward stability or deeper into chaos.
Kerry, who repeatedly charged during the presidential campaign that President Bush had botched the war effort, was greeted warmly by U.S. soldiers in Baghdad.
Now which is it, cheered or greeted warmly? There is a difference. I have not seen any video of this. If there is video of him being cheered by the troops, I am quite sure it would be papered all over the networks. (If you see it on TV, let me know when and where, or if there is a link, let me know.)
Read the article. The only times that he met with troops that is mentioned is some he saw in a restaurant, and a group of 20 from his home state. What kind of reporting is this? And, you just have to wonder, with the Iraqi elections 3 weeks away, why Kerry is in Iraq bashing-Bush. Like or not, it sure seems to be like he is encouraging our enemies, which is the norm for Jean Francois.
Let's take a look at what other alleged news outlets said:
Associated Press - No mention of cheering, only Kerry meeting with troops from Massachusetts.
Washington Post - No mention of cheering at all.
Boston Globe - Same reporter as the SF Chronicle, but the greeted warmly part is missing. Hmmm.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Did the SF Chronicle add that nonsense in, or did the Boston Globe edit it out? I wish I knew. I'd bet on the SF Chronicle.
Kerry cheered in Baghdad, decries Bush team's 'blunders' - Once criticized for war stance, he says force alone won't win
Now, read into the story:
Baghdad -- Sen. John Kerry, whose seemingly shifting positions on the U.S. war in Iraq plagued him throughout his presidential campaign, came to this war- torn capital Wednesday to see for himself whether the country was moving toward stability or deeper into chaos.
Kerry, who repeatedly charged during the presidential campaign that President Bush had botched the war effort, was greeted warmly by U.S. soldiers in Baghdad.
Now which is it, cheered or greeted warmly? There is a difference. I have not seen any video of this. If there is video of him being cheered by the troops, I am quite sure it would be papered all over the networks. (If you see it on TV, let me know when and where, or if there is a link, let me know.)
Read the article. The only times that he met with troops that is mentioned is some he saw in a restaurant, and a group of 20 from his home state. What kind of reporting is this? And, you just have to wonder, with the Iraqi elections 3 weeks away, why Kerry is in Iraq bashing-Bush. Like or not, it sure seems to be like he is encouraging our enemies, which is the norm for Jean Francois.
Let's take a look at what other alleged news outlets said:
Associated Press - No mention of cheering, only Kerry meeting with troops from Massachusetts.
Washington Post - No mention of cheering at all.
Boston Globe - Same reporter as the SF Chronicle, but the greeted warmly part is missing. Hmmm.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Did the SF Chronicle add that nonsense in, or did the Boston Globe edit it out? I wish I knew. I'd bet on the SF Chronicle.
The most important civil rights case this year
The most important civil rights case in years is coming to the Supreme Court. No, it isn't on affirmative action, or those poor innocents goat herders shepherded to Guantanamo Bay by the evil and incompetent Bush. It is about the property rights that are of the utmost importance in a free society. If you don't truly own your property, you aren't truly free.
Tax-hungry politicans want to throw you out of your home against your will based on eminent domain. Only these days, they want you out so they can get more tax dollars, and they argue that higher tax revenues are a valid public purpose, which will allow them to kick you out and hand you a check for fair market value. Take a moment to read this article:
House not for sale - Can the government force you to sell your house in the name of new development
I do not want to sound over-dramatic like those race-hustlers and terror-apologists, but our freedom is truly at stake here when the Supreme Court decides Kelo v. City of New London later this year.
If the court rules for New London, the results will be disasterous. No longer will a private developer have to fork over what it takes to get someone to sell their home. They can just go to the friendly tax-and-spend politicians to force people to sell at "market value." But what is market value? Surely, market value drops when you can only sell it to the city. And, market value rises when a developer wants (or is even speculated to want) your property. And, we will all suffer for it. You need to keep your eye on this case. Few cases that come before the Supreme Court affect this many people.
One part of the article I found very interesting:
Tranter says the developer has signed contracts with 65 residents to buy their property for no less than 25 percent above market value, pending the outcome of the Gamble's appeal.
Comprehend that for a moment. A developer is ready to pay 25% over market value, but only if he must to secure the property. This is exactly how things are supposed to work in this country!
Take note of this my friends. I don't think I can emphasize to you enough how important this case is.
Tax-hungry politicans want to throw you out of your home against your will based on eminent domain. Only these days, they want you out so they can get more tax dollars, and they argue that higher tax revenues are a valid public purpose, which will allow them to kick you out and hand you a check for fair market value. Take a moment to read this article:
House not for sale - Can the government force you to sell your house in the name of new development
I do not want to sound over-dramatic like those race-hustlers and terror-apologists, but our freedom is truly at stake here when the Supreme Court decides Kelo v. City of New London later this year.
If the court rules for New London, the results will be disasterous. No longer will a private developer have to fork over what it takes to get someone to sell their home. They can just go to the friendly tax-and-spend politicians to force people to sell at "market value." But what is market value? Surely, market value drops when you can only sell it to the city. And, market value rises when a developer wants (or is even speculated to want) your property. And, we will all suffer for it. You need to keep your eye on this case. Few cases that come before the Supreme Court affect this many people.
One part of the article I found very interesting:
Tranter says the developer has signed contracts with 65 residents to buy their property for no less than 25 percent above market value, pending the outcome of the Gamble's appeal.
Comprehend that for a moment. A developer is ready to pay 25% over market value, but only if he must to secure the property. This is exactly how things are supposed to work in this country!
Take note of this my friends. I don't think I can emphasize to you enough how important this case is.
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Response to a comment
In this thread, "Sonny Corleone" left this comment:
i could never figure out how the older guys in my law school class could just give up their social lives so they could study law and raise kids at the same time. of course, i understand very well now. best for 2005, dude.
I think it is much easier for me to go to law school while raising a daughter than it would have been if I went as a single guy. The reasons are simple: No girl is calling me at 11:00 p.m. to come over the night before a paper is due. Thus, the distractions facing a single guy are not a part of my life. Plus, how well I do will determine how good of a lofe my daughter will have. As "Sonny" surely understands now, that motivation goes a long way. I don't envy my younger classmates who are good-looking and popular, not in the least.
A piece of advice for Sonny: Don't let yourself get boxed in at a toll booth.
i could never figure out how the older guys in my law school class could just give up their social lives so they could study law and raise kids at the same time. of course, i understand very well now. best for 2005, dude.
I think it is much easier for me to go to law school while raising a daughter than it would have been if I went as a single guy. The reasons are simple: No girl is calling me at 11:00 p.m. to come over the night before a paper is due. Thus, the distractions facing a single guy are not a part of my life. Plus, how well I do will determine how good of a lofe my daughter will have. As "Sonny" surely understands now, that motivation goes a long way. I don't envy my younger classmates who are good-looking and popular, not in the least.
A piece of advice for Sonny: Don't let yourself get boxed in at a toll booth.
Gee, I wonder where they got that idea?
Muslims decry '24' depiction
The first new episode this season of Fox's "24" has yet to hit the screen and already the network has offended a Muslim group.
After viewing a portion of the first episode included on a DVD in Entertainment Weekly, officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations expressed dismay at the depiction of a Muslim family.
"At first I was shocked," organization spokeswoman Rabiah Ahmed told the Daily News. "In this particular case, they show an American-Muslim family and they portray them as terrorists."
Ahmed was alerted to the 24-minute promotional DVD earlier this week.
At issue is a scene in which a teenager helps his parents plot to kill Americans.
"What we will accomplish today will change the world," the father tells the son over breakfast. "We are fortunate that our family has been chosen to do this."
Ahmed said the scene "casts a cloud of suspicion over every American-Muslim family out there."
Uh, no it doesn't. We know the difference. A TV show plot isn't going to make people think that all Muslims are terrorists. Perhaps CAIR should concentrate on terrorists themselves, who are the ones making Islam look bad. (Of course, if they did that, their funding would dry up) Frankly, does anyone outside of the liberal media give a damn what CAIR says?
Consider this: Remember the spate of abortion clinic bombings and the murder of abortion doctors by people who did it in the name of Christianity? That doesn't exist anymore. You know why? Because there were no ready-made apologists for them, and people like me who are both Christian and anti-abortion did not support them in the least. Perhaps the Muslim apologists could learn something from that.
The first new episode this season of Fox's "24" has yet to hit the screen and already the network has offended a Muslim group.
After viewing a portion of the first episode included on a DVD in Entertainment Weekly, officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations expressed dismay at the depiction of a Muslim family.
"At first I was shocked," organization spokeswoman Rabiah Ahmed told the Daily News. "In this particular case, they show an American-Muslim family and they portray them as terrorists."
Ahmed was alerted to the 24-minute promotional DVD earlier this week.
At issue is a scene in which a teenager helps his parents plot to kill Americans.
"What we will accomplish today will change the world," the father tells the son over breakfast. "We are fortunate that our family has been chosen to do this."
Ahmed said the scene "casts a cloud of suspicion over every American-Muslim family out there."
Uh, no it doesn't. We know the difference. A TV show plot isn't going to make people think that all Muslims are terrorists. Perhaps CAIR should concentrate on terrorists themselves, who are the ones making Islam look bad. (Of course, if they did that, their funding would dry up) Frankly, does anyone outside of the liberal media give a damn what CAIR says?
Consider this: Remember the spate of abortion clinic bombings and the murder of abortion doctors by people who did it in the name of Christianity? That doesn't exist anymore. You know why? Because there were no ready-made apologists for them, and people like me who are both Christian and anti-abortion did not support them in the least. Perhaps the Muslim apologists could learn something from that.
Ah, the sweet irony
I could not help but laugh for an hour after I read this:
UC Law School Needs to Privatize, Dean Says
BERKELEY — Christopher Edley Jr.'s "single most important observation" in his first year as dean of UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law is this: "People in California are slightly crazy."
Edley isn't talking about the colorful characters on and around the Berkeley campus. What is crazy, he says, is the way California has scaled back spending on education.
From "leading the nation and the world with a model of a world-class education for everyone," the former Harvard law professor said, the state has settled for "something like 'better than Mississippi.' "
What concerns him most immediately is the condition of his law school, one of the brightest jewels in the UC crown, which is now facing serious problems.
The irony is too delicious. In liberal law schools like the one I attend, there is no problem that doesn't require a government solution. I just find it much too funny when a liberal wacko joint like Berkeley admits that the problem with depending on government is that you can't depend on them. I agree with the Dean, Berkeley should be privatized. I only wish this "look somewhere other than the government" attitude would prevail throughout. Of course, I know better.
UC Law School Needs to Privatize, Dean Says
BERKELEY — Christopher Edley Jr.'s "single most important observation" in his first year as dean of UC Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law is this: "People in California are slightly crazy."
Edley isn't talking about the colorful characters on and around the Berkeley campus. What is crazy, he says, is the way California has scaled back spending on education.
From "leading the nation and the world with a model of a world-class education for everyone," the former Harvard law professor said, the state has settled for "something like 'better than Mississippi.' "
What concerns him most immediately is the condition of his law school, one of the brightest jewels in the UC crown, which is now facing serious problems.
The irony is too delicious. In liberal law schools like the one I attend, there is no problem that doesn't require a government solution. I just find it much too funny when a liberal wacko joint like Berkeley admits that the problem with depending on government is that you can't depend on them. I agree with the Dean, Berkeley should be privatized. I only wish this "look somewhere other than the government" attitude would prevail throughout. Of course, I know better.
Wing Bowl in Philly
One of the things I miss about living in Philly is WIng Bowl, an annual event held the Friday before the Super Bowl, by the local sports radio station 610 WIP. Basically, it is a wing-eating contest held at 6:00 in the morning in front of 20,000 people. If you have some time to kill, watch some of the video clips on this page. Some of the eating stunts will have you laughing for a week.
For example, here is what people ate to qualify:
- 4 lbs. yogurt in 1:40.
- 5 lbs. of matzah balls in 5:20.
- 6 lbs spinach in 1:19.
- 5 lbs. cottage cheese in 2:20.
- 2 lbs. shrimp with 160 mealworms.
And, here is what some of the sad sacks who didn't qualify attempted to do:
- 4 lbs. cheesecake in 9 mins.
- 5 onions in 12 mins.
- 60 shrimp in 43 secs.
- 3 cans of corn in 48 sec.
Only in Philly can something like Wing Bowl happen.
For example, here is what people ate to qualify:
- 4 lbs. yogurt in 1:40.
- 5 lbs. of matzah balls in 5:20.
- 6 lbs spinach in 1:19.
- 5 lbs. cottage cheese in 2:20.
- 2 lbs. shrimp with 160 mealworms.
And, here is what some of the sad sacks who didn't qualify attempted to do:
- 4 lbs. cheesecake in 9 mins.
- 5 onions in 12 mins.
- 60 shrimp in 43 secs.
- 3 cans of corn in 48 sec.
Only in Philly can something like Wing Bowl happen.
Vile story of the week
I was flying back to Albuquerque from Philly yesterday, and read perhaps the most disgusting story I've read in a while. You may want to scroll past this part.
Rapist-murderer's words stun courtroom
One of the city's most vile young murderers stood up in court yesterday - all baby-faced and finely attired, fresh from pleading guilty to three first-degree murders, rape and 12 burglaries - to make a cold declaration that won't soon be forgotten:
The whole incident was disturbing, to say the least, but this part shows the inhumanity of this dirtbag:
Back down in the basement, Brown noticed that when the girl's mother fell from the fatal gunshot, "her butt was sticking up in the air." He found this somehow irresistible, so he raped her.
This man should rot in hell.
Rapist-murderer's words stun courtroom
One of the city's most vile young murderers stood up in court yesterday - all baby-faced and finely attired, fresh from pleading guilty to three first-degree murders, rape and 12 burglaries - to make a cold declaration that won't soon be forgotten:
The whole incident was disturbing, to say the least, but this part shows the inhumanity of this dirtbag:
Back down in the basement, Brown noticed that when the girl's mother fell from the fatal gunshot, "her butt was sticking up in the air." He found this somehow irresistible, so he raped her.
This man should rot in hell.
Gonzales hearing
The confirmation hearing for Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General should be a lot of fun. I can't wait to see how the Democrats attempt to vilify Gonzales about the torture memo while not looking like they are carrying the bag for our enemies.
I think the hearing will fail to live up to the hype. It is a lot easier to vilify a Robert Bork when no one really knows, understands, or cares about what a judge has done in his career. However, when it comes to dealing with terorists, Americans who are not card-carrying ACLU scum or members of that clown organization People for the Amercian Way aren't much concerned about the sensibilities of terrorists. (However, I find it interesting that Ralph Neas' clown group is tempered in their opposition of Gonzales, as is the ACLU.)
Just take a look at the Democrats' witness list, a litany of liberal jokers. For example, Yale law school dean Harold Koh. Here's a sample of his resume:
- Named as plaintiff in suit trying to keep military recruiters off Yale's campus.
- Argued that bin Laden should be tried in federal court, or in the International Criminal Court.
- Argued that Saddam should be tried at the ICC.
- Upset that the U.S. deposed Saddam without a U.N. permission slip.
And, a couple of Kerry operatives will be testifying too. Just the kind of people we should all be listening to when it comes to who we want as AG.
Bottom line: The Democrats will do the minimum necessary to play to their base, and not much more.
I think the hearing will fail to live up to the hype. It is a lot easier to vilify a Robert Bork when no one really knows, understands, or cares about what a judge has done in his career. However, when it comes to dealing with terorists, Americans who are not card-carrying ACLU scum or members of that clown organization People for the Amercian Way aren't much concerned about the sensibilities of terrorists. (However, I find it interesting that Ralph Neas' clown group is tempered in their opposition of Gonzales, as is the ACLU.)
Just take a look at the Democrats' witness list, a litany of liberal jokers. For example, Yale law school dean Harold Koh. Here's a sample of his resume:
- Named as plaintiff in suit trying to keep military recruiters off Yale's campus.
- Argued that bin Laden should be tried in federal court, or in the International Criminal Court.
- Argued that Saddam should be tried at the ICC.
- Upset that the U.S. deposed Saddam without a U.N. permission slip.
And, a couple of Kerry operatives will be testifying too. Just the kind of people we should all be listening to when it comes to who we want as AG.
Bottom line: The Democrats will do the minimum necessary to play to their base, and not much more.
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Happy New Year - Predictions and Prayers
May 2005 be a prosperous year for you. I expect it to be another great one for me. For the record, I wanted to throw out some prayers and predictions:
- That my cousin Jamie makes it fine through the last few weeks of his tour in Iraq.
- That my cousin Dana has a healthy little girl (Alessandra is her name) sometime at the end of April.
- That my best friend Joel and his fiancee Lisa have a healthy baby come the end of July.
- That Emily continues to be healthy, happy, and funny, and that Stephanie and I are able to start cooking up a brother for her later this year.
- That my second semester of law school is even better than the first.
- That the Eagles finally win the Super Bowl. (I know, without T.O., it's a long shot, but I can still pray, can't I?)
- That the Democratic Party completes its implosion during the confirmation hearings for Alberto Gonzales and the next Supreme Court vacancy, and then decides to become a viable second party again, because we all lose when there aren't two strong parties.
- That Iraq's elections on January 30th are as eventful as Afghanistan's.
- That I win the UNM Law 1L Advocacy Tournament.
- Miguel Estrada is nominated as the next Associate Justice, and Clarence Thomas for the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
- The Patriots will win the Super Bowl again.
- The NHL season will be salvaged in the next 2 weeks.
- We will get pregnant with another daughter because God wants to extract maximum punishment for all of my youthful transgressions.
- I will get straight A's this semester.
- The Democrats will further fall apart, because screaming about the so-called "torture" of terrorist scum will not go over too well with anyone outside the editorial offices of newspapers and TV networks. If it did, we'd be inagurating John Kerry this month.
- Hollywood will offer up a sop to its detractors and nominate The Passion of the Christ for Best Picture. (Of course, Cannonball Run II would have a better chance of winning, but Hollywood still understands $$$ rules, and those "evil Christians" have plenty to spend.)
- Kofi Annan will not last out the year, due to "health problems."
We'll see if I'm right. Share yours if you'd like.
- That my cousin Jamie makes it fine through the last few weeks of his tour in Iraq.
- That my cousin Dana has a healthy little girl (Alessandra is her name) sometime at the end of April.
- That my best friend Joel and his fiancee Lisa have a healthy baby come the end of July.
- That Emily continues to be healthy, happy, and funny, and that Stephanie and I are able to start cooking up a brother for her later this year.
- That my second semester of law school is even better than the first.
- That the Eagles finally win the Super Bowl. (I know, without T.O., it's a long shot, but I can still pray, can't I?)
- That the Democratic Party completes its implosion during the confirmation hearings for Alberto Gonzales and the next Supreme Court vacancy, and then decides to become a viable second party again, because we all lose when there aren't two strong parties.
- That Iraq's elections on January 30th are as eventful as Afghanistan's.
- That I win the UNM Law 1L Advocacy Tournament.
- Miguel Estrada is nominated as the next Associate Justice, and Clarence Thomas for the next Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
- The Patriots will win the Super Bowl again.
- The NHL season will be salvaged in the next 2 weeks.
- We will get pregnant with another daughter because God wants to extract maximum punishment for all of my youthful transgressions.
- I will get straight A's this semester.
- The Democrats will further fall apart, because screaming about the so-called "torture" of terrorist scum will not go over too well with anyone outside the editorial offices of newspapers and TV networks. If it did, we'd be inagurating John Kerry this month.
- Hollywood will offer up a sop to its detractors and nominate The Passion of the Christ for Best Picture. (Of course, Cannonball Run II would have a better chance of winning, but Hollywood still understands $$$ rules, and those "evil Christians" have plenty to spend.)
- Kofi Annan will not last out the year, due to "health problems."
We'll see if I'm right. Share yours if you'd like.